Jesus Calls Magazine


Bread that blesses the inner being


The Bible says, “He heals the broken-hearted and binds up their wounds.”(Psalm 147:3).


Jesus Calls magazine ministry shares the Word of truth dividing it rightly to minister to people right at the point of their need.

Since its inception in May 1973, Jesus Calls Magazine Ministry has been growing and is completing its 50th year, this May 2023 for God's glory. This magazine contains God’s word shared by the Dhinakarans for men, women, youth and children, with updates on ministerial events, astonishing testimonies, answers with Biblical perspective to questions on life issues and Bible Quiz. We reach more than 3 million people through the magazine ministry.

We have resorted to sending our Jesus Calls digital magazine through E-mail to all our partners. The magazine is also available in our website in 6 languages. 

Here’s how a dear sister has been blessed through the Jesus Calls Magazine:
Touched by the words

I was going through some difficult circumstances in my life. When I was overwhelmed by those situations, I came across the Jesus Calls Magazine. Stella Ramola’s article in the Youth Section of the February month issue was so powerful and inspiring. The article was about "Overcoming Anxiety”. I felt as though this article was speaking to me prophetically since it was very apt to my situation. I was strengthened in faith. I thank and praise God for Stella Ramola’s ministry. It is such a huge blessing to youngsters like me.

- Paaneah

What a beautiful testimony! If led by the Lord, you are most welcome to be a part of this magazine ministry through your contribution and inspire someone to live well for the purpose of glorifying God.

Do read and be blessed. Also forward the Magazine to your near and dear ones in order that they too will be blessed, encouraged and comforted at this critical period. Please send your testimonies to us in the email [email protected] and we will be glad to publish it in the Magazine for God's glory.

Come, become a partner in the Magazine club by enrolling in it and share the Eternal Word of God to millions by supporting this significant ministry every month.

Yearly Subscription for the Magazine Rs. 300/-

(or you can gift the magazine to your friends and relatives)

Sponsorship for the Magazine Ministry.

  • Rs.1,000/-           
  • Rs.5,000/- or more

“We value your partnership with us in the Ministry. May God bless you for your generous heart.” (Proverbs 11:25)

Let God's word be written on many hearts through your support, We invite you to send your prayer requests through letters, E-mail, Facebook & Website.

To receive the Magazine through post, please contact Partner Care at 044- 23456677 (7am to 9 pm)