My dear friend, God desires for you to be fruitful. According to Proverbs 12:12, “The root of the righteous produces fruit.” God desires for you to be strongly and deeply rooted.

I am reminded of this testimony from Sis. Evangeline Margaret from Chennai. Her husband, Bro. Michael was in business. However, he suffered a significant financial loss and was worried about the future. The couple had been married for five years and did not have children, causing them great agony and sorrow. When Sis. Evangeline Margaret visited the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower at that time, they invited her to become a voluntary prayer intercessor to pray for others. Despite her own sorrow, she accepted the invitation, and her husband also agreed. They both began attending the Prayer Tower and joined the Business Blessing Plan of Jesus Calls. They also attended the Institute of Power Ministry to receive training and be filled with the power of the Holy Spirit to serve God and care for others.

After returning from the meeting, they received an order for their business, and things started looking up for them. They began fasting and praying together for their business, and it started to grow significantly. During that same year, she conceived, and now they have two children. Amazingly, God fulfilled all their needs and transformed them into servants of God. My friend, you will also bear fruit in a similar way. 

In Psalm 16:8, David says, "I have set the Lord before me; He is at my right hand; I shall not be shaken." God will keep you strongly established. Though the winds may blow and the earth may shake, you will not fall. Your business and family will stand strong. Do not be afraid. Your job will be secure, and you will successfully complete your studies. You will bear fruit and rise up because you are rooted in Jesus and filled with righteousness. God will lift you up, and you will bear fruit.


Loving Heavenly Father, I thank You for clothing me with Your righteousness and for promising me that I will bear much fruit. As David said, my eyes are also fixed only on You, Lord. I know my help can come only from you because You are the miracle-working God. Help me to nourish my soul in Your word and have a close communion with You. Let me be rooted deeply in You so that I can be strongly established and remain unshakeable. You are my sure foundation. As You have promised me today, You will help me to bear much fruit in serving You and prosper me on all sides. I shall not lack in anything in my life. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.