"... if you spend yourselves in behalf of the hungry and satisfy the needs of the oppressed, then your light will rise in the darkness, and your night will become like the noonday." (Isaiah 58:10)

Several meetings take place at the Prayer Towers during the week, but one of the most special ones is the Tuesday Fasting Prayer, where people gather to sit at the feet of the Lord in fasting during the day with great anticipation to receive blessings and spiritual nourishment from the Lord, hearing God's word as manna for their souls. After the meeting ends at 2 PM, all the participants have to return home hungry. Therefore, at Jesus Calls, we are determined to care for His people by providing lunch for them as they are His children (Galatians 6:10) and because we long to see the kingdom of God being built (Matthew 28:19) – just as He did. Here is a wonderful opportunity for you to show some love to these people by sponsoring their meal. As a token of your gratitude,


  • 1000 participants in the big Prayer Towers at a cost of Rs.50,000/-
  • 500 participants in other Prayer Towers at a cost of Rs.25,000/-

This contribution can be donated as follows:

  • Rs. 50,000/- per event for 1000 participants – also payable in four instalments
  • Rs. 25,000/- per event for 500 participants – also payable in four instalments

Spiritual Blessings

  • The Prayer intercessors and all the participants will pray for you and your family during the meeting.
  • A commemorative video with your family photo will be created and shared with you.
  • Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and family will be praying for you and your loved ones.
  • To support the mission / donate in person at any Jesus Calls Prayer Towers or call 044-23456677.

We are sharing the testimony of a dear sister whom the Lord has blessed due to her generosity towards this project:

Enjoying God’s Surplus

I am a partner of the Jesus Calls ministry and regularly attend Fasting Prayers at the Anna Nagar Prayer Tower. I've always wished the Ministry would provide food for attendees, and seeing them do so recently made me very happy. I gladly donated towards this project, and miraculously, God blessed my family with a salary hike. I'm grateful to the Jesus Calls Ministry for the opportunity to bless others and for the blessings I've received. – Mercy Rebekah, Chennai

Just like Sis. Mercy Rebekah, you too can experience abundance in all aspects of your life when you choose to meet the needs of others.