Hello friend, today we will meditate on a verse from the book of Isaiah. The verse is about how the Lord gives us peace in this world. Many of us run in different directions just to find peace. In one way or another, we all long for that peace. Let's read from Isaiah 26:3, "You keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You because he trusts in You." Accordingly, when we trust in the Lord, He gives us perfect peace. I am sure many of you would have seen a baby sleeping peacefully in their mother's arms. No matter what sound they hear or no matter what happens around them, they remain undisturbed and peaceful because they trust in their mother. A mother gives her child the protective peace. In the same way, the Lord promises that when you trust Him, He will provide you with His peace. Today, are you running in different directions, looking for peace, my friend? Look up to Jesus and trust in Him; you will receive the peace that only He can give. 

A few days back, I found myself in a stressful situation. I had a lot of work to do, I had exams to write, I wanted to spend time with my daughter Katie, and I also wanted to be at home. So, I was overwhelmed by the many things that were going on in my mind. I considered taking a day off to get some peace, going out to have some peace, or eating my favourite food to feel peaceful. But nothing helped. Finally, I knelt before the Lord and said, “Lord, I need Your presence.” And immediately, the Lord filled me with His perfect peace. 

In the same way, today, if you are looking to different things in this world just to have peace, please take a moment and pray to the Lord Jesus. Tell Him, “Lord, I am sorry I went everywhere looking for peace instead of looking to You.” The Lord will fill you with His matchless peace today.    


Dear Lord, I pray that Your peace will come upon me. I repent for the times when I have looked to different things in this world to find peace. You are the Prince of Peace. You are aware of all my stressful situations and how I have been desperately looking for peace. Even now, I come to You, believing that You are able to fill me with Your perfect peace that is secure and permanent. Let Your presence surround me, and let Your peace that passes all understanding engulf my heart. Make me lie down in still waters and let me be at peace in all situations. Thank You, Lord, for Your caring and protecting presence. In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen.