Thank offering unto the Lord this New Year, 2025!

The Bible says, Be thankful (Colossians 3:15). We have so many reasons to the thankful to the Lord, specially when the Lord shows His goodness to us—whether through a miracle, a new job, the blessing of a child, or any answered prayer—it is only fitting that we respond with gratitude and trust. Gratitude acknowledges God as the source of every blessing.

The Lord says, “Those who honor me I will honor” (1 Samuel 2:30). One was of honouring God is to honor God with our first fruits (Proverbs 3:9-10). Offering our firstfruits—whether from our income, time, or talents—demonstrates that we trust God to provide for all our needs. It is a declaration that He is our ultimate provider, not our own efforts. This declaration stands as a testimony for the Lord before people and paves way for greater miracles in our lives. I will be an aroma to the Lord (Genesis 8:21).


Below are few testimonies of how people were blessed by giving back to the Lord for the miracles they received:

Blessed with a beautiful big house

I have faithfully supported Jesus Calls for 19 years. After marrying in 2002, my family and I lived in rented accommodations, longing and praying for a home of our own. We continued to give to the ministry amidst our difficulty. We only had hoped for a small house, but God exceeded our expectations and provided us with a spacious and lovely home.

- Sandhiya Lokhande, Pune, Maharashtra,

Blessing of a government job

I was married but my husband passed away, bringing great sorrow into my life. I moved in with my mother, who took me to the Prayer Tower. I struggled to find a livelihood and was trying to secure a government job. However, I didn’t even have enough money to apply for one. Every day, I was in tears. Yet, I continued going to the Prayer Tower, praying earnestly in Jesus' name and started giving to the ministry regularly. Finally, as I approached my last attempt to secure a government job, my prayers were answered. Despite being 32 years old, I succeeded in the exam and was offered a job at a government bank. Today, I earn a Rs. 40,000 salary. What a joy! God brought light to my darkness, and I know He will do the same for you.

– Elayarani, Madurai


Just like how the above partners were blessed, you too can be blessed by offering your thanks offering to the Lord.

In 2025, the ministry will be stepping into an exciting vision of establishing 800 Prayer Towers—one in every district—creating spaces of hope and prayer for communities across the nation. Anchored by the mission that "No soul should be lost," we are committed to ensuring that everyone has the opportunity to experience the love and saving grace of Jesus Christ. 

As you step into this new year, pause to reflect on the countless blessings the Lord has poured out upon you through this ministry. His unwavering faithfulness has been evident—in His provision, His protection, His answers to your prayers, and His miraculous works in your life. Why not honour Him with a “thank-you” offering? Every gift you sow into this ministry becomes a source of hope, wiping away the tears of millions. What greater joy than knowing you are part of His kingdom work!As the Psalmist beautifully declares:

"May the Lord remember your gifts and be pleased with what you bring." (Psalm 20:3)

Let’s proclaim 2025 as a Year of Blessing Rain! By lifting up our praises and thanksgiving to the King of kings, we open the floodgates for His abundant blessings. Together, we can make this year truly extraordinary!