My friend, it brings me joy to share God's promise with you, as it will strengthen and guide you into His blessings. It's found in 1 Chronicles 29:12, “Wealth and honor come from you; you are the ruler of all things. In your hands are strength and power to exalt and give strength to all.”  Yes, God bestows riches and honor upon those whom He deems worthy as He reigns over all things. Everything belongs to Him, my friend. So, when we receive Jesus, we are enriched; we have everything within us. How do we accumulate riches and wealth? It's by saying no to the desire for riches. By renouncing the pursuit of wealth, we gain true riches. 

There was a woman who used to give small offerings to Jesus, even from her meager earnings. Despite working simple jobs with minimal pay, every month, she gave generously. God honored her faithfulness, blessing her daughter to be married to a man who took care of all the wedding expenses. Her friends marveled at the grandeur of her wedding, but she attributed it all to God's blessings. Out of the wedding gifts, she gave back Rs. 20,000 as an offering to Jesus Calls. Immediately her daughter was blessed, and her life was filled with all the provisions she needed, provided by God. Her daughter lived in great comfort, as God had honored her offerings and her family's faith in the Lord Jesus.

Yes, my friend, when we declare that we have no desire to amass wealth and live for ourselves, but instead surrender it all to the Lord, acknowledging that we need Him more than anything, He who rules over all, from whom riches and honor flow, comes into our lives. When we have Him, we possess everything through Him.


Loving Lord, The one who rules over all things, I lift You up. I believe in You wholeheartedly, even in the midst of all the debt right now, even in the midst of all the needs in my life. I cry out to You, Lord. I want You more than any of my needs to be met. I want You, Lord, more than any wealth and money to be accumulated. You provide all things for me. You keep me well, Lord. So come into my heart, Master. I need You, Lord. Give me the joy of living. Be my provider, Lord. Provide for all my needs. Let my debts be settled. Whatever I lack, Lord, please provide it for me. Do a miracle and provide it right now. Let it be accounted to me. and let me live in joy with you. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.