My dear friend, today we are going to listen to God's voice, as found in Psalm 91:11. The promise is this:"For He will command His angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways."This means that God will protect and guard us in all our ways, and He will command His angels to take care of us. 

My grandfather once saw in a vision that God had kept a guardian angel for us, his grandchildren, and he knew that the scriptures were true that God has a guardian angel for each person. Indeed, the Lord is so concerned about us that He protects us. So don't be afraid. Even when Daniel, who was God's beloved, got thrown into the lion's den by some wicked people, he still held on to believing in the Lord and kept on seeking Him even in the lion's den that God would still protect him. There were hungry lions waiting next to him, but the Bible says God sent His angel to tie up the lion's mouth so that they would not harm Daniel. They could not come near him. What a mighty God we have.

My friend, people against you might be roaring like lions, and situations might be threatening to devour you but hold on to this promise: God has commanded His angels to guard you. They will not be able to harm you. The angels will silence all these threats. You will be safe. Psalm 91 says that this benefit is given to those who are in the shadow and shelter of the Most High. Like Daniel, always keep the name of the Lord and stand in His name, declaring, 'Even though the wicked may come against me, I will not give up the name of the Lord. I will stand for His name.' God will stand for you and protect you with His angels, tying up the mouths of those threatening you. Let's thank God for this.

Loving Lord, thank You for assuring me that Your eyes are always upon me. I have taken refuge only in You. I have stood for Your name and not moved an inch. Even though situations rise against me to threaten me and devour me, I still believe in Your unfailing love for me. You have heard my cries from heaven and have risen to defend me. Thank You for promising me that You have kept Your angel in charge over me to guard me and deliver me from these threats. Nothing evil will be able to harm me, for You will grant me complete victory and honour me in front of the wicked. Thank You, Lord, for Your powerful name that is above all names. In Jesus’ name, I pray,  Amen.