My precious friend, “In the fear of the Lord, one has strong confidence, and his children will have refuge.” This is the powerful promise found in Proverbs 14:26. 

You have walked in the fear of the Lord. You say, “I must raise my children in the fear of God.” And you have done exactly that. You have feared God, followed His commandments, and obeyed His Word. You have lived righteously before Him, offering your sacrifices with reverence and faithfully witnessing about Jesus to others. Even in the face of accusations and attacks from evil people, you remained patient, rooted in the fear of the Lord. Today, God blesses you for this. He is your strong confidence – the unshakable assurance that God is with you and fights on your behalf. This is the confidence that He will perfect all that concerns you, even amidst the greatest calamities. It is the confidence that God will also be a refuge for your children, caring for them, perfecting their paths, protecting, and prospering them. This is God’s promise for you, your family, and your children.

Let me share a beautiful testimony with you. There was a sister named Suganthi and her little daughter, Angel. When Angel was just two years old, Suganthi’s husband abandoned them, leaving her to raise her daughter alone. Suganthi, who lived in a rented house, struggled to care for her sickly daughter. Angel often suffered from severe illness, with blood coming from her nose and mouth, and Suganthi spent all her money on medical treatments to no avail. During this desperate time, she heard about the Prayer Tower in Jesus Calls. She visited, gave a small offering, and enrolled her child as a Young Partner in the Ministry. Every day, prayers rose for her daughter from the Prayer Tower, and miraculously, God healed Angel. She grew up strong, pursued her studies, and earned an MA degree. Once again, Suganthi sought the Lord’s help at the Prayer Tower, praying for her daughter to find a good husband. Miraculously, a wonderful man came into Angel’s life, and they were married and blessed with children of their own. Overwhelmed with gratitude, the grandmother enrolled both her grandchildren in the Young Partners Plan. God blessed them as well. He became their refuge and their confidence. Genelia, the granddaughter, when she received her 10th standard results, scored an impressive 483 out of 500, earning four medals. God honoured her in front of everyone. Truly, the mother was blessed, the daughter was blessed, and the granddaughter was blessed.

God is our confidence. When all else fails, and when everyone else fails, He remains our steadfast confidence. He will stand with you because you fear the Lord and live righteously before Him. And just as He promised, your children and grandchildren will find refuge in Him.

Heavenly Father, I come before You with a heart full of gratitude and reverence. Lord, fill me with the deep and holy fear of You that I will love You with all my heart, might, and soul. Let my life be a living testimony of obedience to Your Word and faithfulness to Your commands. Even in the midst of trials and accusations, grant me the grace to remain patient and steadfast in my trust in You. Father, I thank You for being my strong confidence, the One who perfects everything that concerns me and my family. I pray that Your hand of protection and blessing will rest upon my family, guiding us and prospering us in Your ways. Open new doors of opportunity, Lord, and lead me to serve You faithfully. Help me to rise, to walk with those You have placed in positions of influence, and to glorify Your name through every blessing I receive. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.