Dear friend, it brings me great joy to greet you. Today, we are meditating on Genesis 22:17, which says, "I will surely bless you, and I will surely multiply your offspring as the stars of heaven." Yes, my dear friend, God promises that He will surely bless you and multiply you abundantly.

Today, you might be eagerly awaiting the arrival of a child. You may have been hoping and praying for this blessing for many years. It can be challenging to witness those around you enjoying family life and having children while you are still waiting to become a parent. You may feel a deep ache in your heart when people inquire about your plans to start a family. This situation may have led to rejection and shame, making it difficult for you to even leave your home. Perhaps you're waiting for the blessing of a life partner. In your career or business, you may not have seen any growth, or in your studies and exams, you may not have been achieving the results you desire. 

Maybe the doctors might have let you down. Your teachers might have let you down. Maybe those you trusted so much may have let you down. You might even feel like your life has come to a standstill, wondering what the future holds for you. However, just as God fulfilled His promise to Abraham and Sarah by blessing them with numerous offspring, as countless as the stars in the sky and the sand on the shore, He will also bless and multiply you. Even in the absence of visible evidence, God will fulfill the promises He has made to you, bestowing His blessings and multiplying them in your life. You will become a living testimony to His goodness.

In Hebrews 6:14, it is written, "I will surely bless you and give you many descendants." Trust that God will grant you the child you are eagerly waiting for and will bestow blessings upon your family. Moreover, God will bless your endeavours and multiply your blessings. Shall we pray and receive this blessing from Him?

Dear Lord, I thank You for assuring me that You want to bless me and increase me. Thank You for Your goodness over my life. You are the source of all blessings. Even now, Lord, I come to You believing that You are a prayer-answering God. Even though the situations may seem against me, I still trust You that You are able to perform great miracles in my life. I pray that You will help me to walk by faith and not by sight and to experience Your glory in every moment of life. I believe with all my heart that You have begun a good work in my life, and You are faithful to bless me and increase me just as You have promised. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.