Dear friend, today, God is going to make your day grand, and He promises a wonderful thing as per Jeremiah 17:7, “Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, whose trust is the Lord.” Accordingly, let's place our trust in the Lord alone.

I understand that you may be facing significant financial challenges today. Perhaps you are worried about your ability to fund your daughter's wedding, pay your children's school fees, cover your next rent payment, or manage your payroll for your employees. You might be feeling humiliated and fearful, and it is understandable that your hope is diminishing. However, I want to encourage you with the message that putting our hope in the Lord brings blessings. It is important to believe that God can provide for us even in the midst of our difficulties. Some people have found that giving to the Lord, even when facing debts, has led to blessings and debt relief. So, even in your current situation, consider giving to the Lord and have faith that He will provide for you. 

A little girl called into our U-turn live TV programme and said, "I need to study in 8th grade, but we have only paid 50% of the fees, and the admission is closing soon. Please pray for me that God will do a miracle." Her faith and hope in the Lord were amazing, especially for someone so young. After we prayed together, in the following week or so, she called again to share that, miraculously, the school had waived the rest of her fees. She didn't know how it happened, but they took up her case. She thanked us for the prayers. My friend, this is the Lord we serve!

Your belief in the Lord will not be in vain. He can work a mighty miracle for you. So, even in the midst of your challenging situations, will you trust in the Lord and pray right now?

Precious Lord, thank You for encouraging me through Your promise. You are my Provider, my Jehovah Jireh. Lord, I admit that sometimes, when I look at my situations and my persistent problems, I lose hope in You and try to do things on my own. Forgive me for the times I have doubted and misunderstood You. You are a good God, and nothing is impossible for You. I put my complete trust in You. My needs and problems are nothing before Your sight because everything has been put under Your feet. You are my heavenly Father, and You will meet all my needs and deliver me from all my troubles miraculously. You will keep me as a sign and wonder to the people around me. Thank You, Lord. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.