My precious friend, God declares, “Today I will begin to exalt you, and all of Israel will know that I am with you” (Joshua 3:7). What a beautiful promise! God has the heart to lift you up. The Lord exalts those who humble themselves before Him. So, just place your trust in Jesus and declare with faith, “The Lord will exalt me. I will trust Him with my life.” Perhaps you have faced much shame. Maybe you have endured great losses. Perhaps you have struggled with weaknesses, wrong relationships, or habits that have weighed you down. Whatever your past may hold, today is a new day. Turn to the Lord and say, “Lord, I surrender my life into Your hands. I trust You completely. I let go of the things of this world. I release my attachment to worldly friends, relationships, wrong ways of earning money, and fleeting pleasures. I dedicate my life to You, Lord Jesus.” And God says, “I will exalt you.”
Let me share with you an inspiring testimony of a young student named Narmada. She was in the 10th standard when she was afflicted with typhoid fever and subjected to heavy doses of medication. This left her with terrible headaches and debilitating fatigue for nearly one and a half years, making it nearly impossible for her to study. By the time her 12th standard exams approached, she would forget everything she had learned. During her model exams, she was so exhausted that she fell asleep while writing.
Doctors advised her not to attempt the public exams that year and suggested she wait until the next. But Narmada attended a Jesus Calls Students’ Prayer Meet, where I shared the prophetic words of Jesus, “The Lord will deliver you from your weakness. He will lift you up.” These words touched her heart and gave her renewed hope. She reached out to the Prayer Tower for intercession, and her family sponsored a Jesus Calls TV programme with their offerings.
God worked a miracle. He gave her the strength to write her exams, and when the results came, she scored an incredible 1172 marks out of 1200, including 200 out of 200 in Commerce and 200 out of 200 in Business Maths. God honoured her faith and efforts. Later, she testified at the next meeting, saying, “I want to pursue CA.” I laid my hands on her and prayed, and by God’s grace, she completed her CA without a single failure. Today, God has elevated her to remarkable heights. My dear friend, what God did for Narmada, He can do for you. Cling to Jesus with all your heart, and He will surely lift you up.
Dear Lord Jesus, I come before You with a humble heart, surrendering my life into Your loving hands. I trust You completely, Lord, and I let go of the things that pull me away from Your presence. Help me to release my attachment to worldly friends, relationships, and fleeting pleasures. Guide me to walk in Your ways, forsaking wrong habits and dishonest gains. Strengthen me to wait in your presence patiently, knowing that You will lift me up. Lord, I believe in Your promise to exalt those who humble themselves before You. Fill me with Your peace, love, and hope as I dedicate my life to You. Let Your light shine through me so all can see that You are with me. Thank You for the new day You have given me to trust and cling to You completely. In Your mighty name, I pray, Amen.