Dear friend, today, the Bible says in John 14:16, "He shall give you another comforter that He may abide with you forever." The Bible says that 'He is another comforter.' He is not a separate God. God, the Son, God, the Father, and God, the Holy Spirit are all the same.

Who is this comforter? He is God, the Holy Spirit. The Bible says in 1 Corinthians 6:19, "Your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit." And this Holy Spirit is given to you as a "gift". You are not your own. Your body is a temple in which God lives. How comforting it is to listen to this. God lives in us. This is the first comfort He gives.

What does He do as He lives in us? Through the Holy Spirit who lives in us, as in Romans 5:5, He pours out His love into our hearts, that too abundant love. Yes, dear friend, His love. He sits inside us and quiets us with "His love". He, the Holy Spirit, sits in our hearts and quiets us with His love, says Zephaniah 3:17, "And He also rejoices over us with singing." 

What does a mother do to her little child? She cradles her child and sings out of love for her child. Likewise, the Lord rejoices over us by singing out of great love for us. Yes, the Lord comforts us just like a mother. As in Isaiah 66:13, the Bible says, "As a mother comforts her child, so will I comfort you." And in 2 Corinthians 1:3, the Bible says, "He's a God of all comfort." In verse 4, the Bible says, "He comforts us in all our affliction."

Even today, may the Lord's comfort come upon you. Out of His love for you, He does that. When we say, I do not even know how to pray in the midst of my affliction, the Holy Spirit who is in you will be praying for you. The Bible says in Romans 8:26, "He prays for you with groanings." Out of so much love for you, He prays for you. He helps you in your weakness. This is the comfort we have in God. I have experienced this many times. I'll be going to the Lord with full of sorrow in my heart. But then, when the Lord fills me with the Holy Spirit, after my prayer, I will experience joy in my heart instead of sorrow. There will be great rest in my soul. And I would feel that God is in me as a comforter. That's the comfort God gives us when we pray to Him. If you have troubles in your life, do not go to a man or a woman for you to get comfort. Go to God. He helps you in your weakness. At one time, when I was so depressed, I was praying to God, "Lord, somehow fill me with your Holy Spirit." The Lord, in a sweet, still voice, said, "My child, go to bed, get up in the morning and pray with your husband. I will fill you with My Spirit." Exactly as He said, the next morning, the Lord filled both of us, my husband and myself, with His Spirit, and He gave us different kinds of languages. In between our prayer, I saw Jesus face to face. I saw Him with full of love. When I looked at Him, I could see the love of a mother in His eyes. After seeing Jesus, all my depression left me. God has sent another comforter to comfort us in all our troubles and tribulations. Even today, may the Lord fill your heart with His love, with His Spirit. 

Loving Heavenly Father, I pray that Your love will flow into my heart through the power of the Holy Spirit. You are my Helper in times of affliction, my Comforter in every sorrow. Lord, I surrender all my pain and agony to You—heal me and let Your comforting presence fill my soul. I need no other source of comfort because You alone are enough. Turn my sorrows into joy, Lord. As You comfort me, help me rise up to comfort others, pouring Your love into their hearts as You have poured into mine. Thank You for lifting my burdens and for the refreshing touch of Your Spirit. I rest in Your peace, knowing You are always with me. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.