My dear friend, God’s promise for today comes from Psalm 84:11: “For the Lord God is a sun and shield; the Lord bestows favor and honor; no good thing does He withhold from those whose walk is blameless.” Yes, my dear friend, God will not withhold any good thing from you. So, be of good cheer. 
Today, are you feeling that people are talking against you? Do you feel you have no hope, no peace in your family, or no peace in your job? Do you feel all alone? My dear friend, God will uphold you and give you justice.

This is what happened to a dear brother from Karnataka named Prakash. He was doing full-time ministry, and after his call to ministry, many people around him started to criticize him. They spoke wrongly about him, even telling wrongful things to his wife, which caused quarrels and misunderstandings. They had no peace at home. He was very distraught, discouraged, and felt he had no hope and no one to lean on. At this low point, he attended the Hubli prayer festival in 2015. During the prayer time, my father, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran, called out his name. He said, “Prakash, God's light is coming upon you. You have never criticized anybody. God will build your home and honor you.” When Prakash heard this, he felt peace in his heart. He went back home and saw that things started changing. It felt like a light had come into his life. His wife repented, and they got back together, finding much peace in their home. Those who had criticized him stopped, and he continued his ministry with renewed light and hope.

Yes, my dear friend, even in your life, you may feel there is no one to do you justice, no peace, or hope. You may wonder how you will carry on. But God's light will shine on you like the sun, and He will uphold you. As you walk in a righteous way, He will be your sun and shield and will carry you through your days, doing justice for you. So, be of good cheer.

Dear Lord,
Thank You for being my sun and shield. I trust in Your promise that You will bestow favor and honor upon me. I believe that You withhold no good thing from those who walk blamelessly. Today, I feel the weight of criticism and the lack of peace in my life, but I know You are with me. Please fill my heart with Your peace and give me the strength to carry on. Shine Your light upon my path and guide me through these challenging times. Help me to remain righteous and steadfast in my faith. I trust that You will uphold me and bring justice into my life. I place my trust in You and embrace the hope You offer. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.