Precious child of God, I extend my warm greetings to you in the name of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. Today marks a special occasion in the lives of my granddaughter, Stella Ramola, and her husband, Daniel Davidson, as they celebrate their first wedding anniversary. I kindly request your prayers for them on this joyous day.

Today's verse is taken from Genesis 28:15, "Behold, I am with you and will keep you wherever you go, and will bring you back to this land; for I will not leave you until I have done what I have spoken to you." These words were spoken by the Lord God Almighty to Jacob. Our God is faithful to fulfill all His promises. We need to seek Him with all our hearts, and when we do, He will fulfill all the promises we read in His word. So, when you read the word of God, claim the blessings, and the Lord will fulfill His promises, and He will always be with you.

Proverbs 8:30 says, "I was beside him as a master craftsman and I was daily his delight, rejoicing always before him." When God is with us in such a way, what a blessed life it will be, my precious friend. Do you have such a close walk with the Lord? Check your life. Live a pleasing life before the Lord. And what would He do in return? The Lord shall be with you continually and guide you and teach you His ways (Psalm 119:33 & 34 and Psalm 32:8). He will keep His eyes upon you and give you counsel. That's why we have to wait in the presence of God.

Prayer is essential in everyone's life. The more you pray, the closer you are to the Lord. As you draw nearer to the Lord, you become more sensitive to His voice. He will guide you and lead you according to His will for your life. It is a beautiful life when you follow the Lord's lead. Let us ask Him to fill us with such a life.

Dear Heavenly Father, I thank You for Your loving promise to guide me according to Your will. Even now, I surrender my life completely into Your loving hands. Please help me to spend more time with You and get closer to You every day. I desire to walk according to Your sovereign plan, so help me to be sensitive to Your voice and follow Your lead. You are a promise-keeping God, and You will fulfill every promise that You have spoken over me through Your word, the Bible. Lord, I am grateful that I will be blessed and guided by You all the days of my life. In Jesus’ name, I pray,  Amen.