My precious child of God, I greet you in the mighty name of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. In Genesis 50:20, we read, "As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good." This reveals the life of Joseph in a nutshell and reminds us that God can turn even the darkest moments into a blessing for a righteous person.

Joseph was a man of God. Even as a young boy, he loved the Lord deeply, walking in His ways alongside his father. Because of this close relationship with God, Joseph stood out, and it stirred jealousy in the hearts of his elder brothers. They saw him as a threat, especially with the dreams he shared about his future. Their jealousy grew to the point where they plotted to end his life. They thought, If we kill him, what will happen to those dreams? This was the evil they harboured in their hearts. But even though they sold him into slavery and he was taken to Egypt, God's plan was still unfolding in Joseph's life.

Even in Egypt, Joseph faced challenges. While serving in Potiphar's household, Potiphar's wife wanted to lure him into sin. But Joseph, being a young man of integrity and righteousness, stood firm. According to Genesis 39:9, Joseph responded to the temptation by saying, "How can I do this great wickedness and sin against God?" Imagine, he was just a young boy, yet his heart was so aligned with God's will that he refused to compromise his faith. He knew that to sin against his master would ultimately be to sin against God. And that was something he could not bear. This is why God looked upon Joseph with such favour. As Proverbs 13:21 reminds us, "But to the righteous, good shall be repaid." Joseph's righteousness brought him abundant blessings from God.

Joseph's life took another harsh turn when he was wrongfully thrown into jail. But even in the depths of the prison, God was still with him. In due time, God moved the heart of the king, and Joseph was miraculously brought out of jail and placed in a position of great honour. He was made second in command, ruling directly under the king. Oh, what a great God we have, my beloved child of God! He is a God who lifts the lowly and exalts those who walk in righteousness, no matter how impossible the circumstances may seem.

You may be facing your own trials today. You might be wondering, Why is this happening to me? Perhaps you feel like the world is against you, and you can't understand why. But let me encourage you; just as God was with Joseph, He is with you. If you continue to live righteously before the Lord, He will honour you. The same honour that was given to Joseph can also be given to you. 

Loving Heavenly Father, You are the God who can turn even the darkest moments into blessings for the righteous. Your Word says that good shall be repaid to the righteous. So, I humbly seek to be filled with Your righteousness with all my heart. I acknowledge that only You can cleanse me and make me whole. Clothe me, Lord, in Your righteousness so that I can live a life of integrity that is pleasing in Your sight. You are the God who lifts the lowly and exalts those who walk in Your ways, even when the circumstances seem impossible. I trust in Your presence, which is always with me, and I know that as I walk in righteousness, You will honour me in due time.  In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen.