My friend, it's a pleasure to greet you today. I know you are in high spirits and seeking something new from the Lord. Today, He speaks to us through Psalm 37:28. So take this verse to heart and claim it. The Lord says, "For the Lord loves justice; He will not forsake His saints. They are preserved forever." The Lord loves those who practice justice in their lives, those who follow "just" ways.

Once, we were at a shop and were about to leave the shop when we finished our purchase. The shopkeeper came running right behind us and said, "Sir, you left your wallet." I was so amazed by his honesty, especially when I found that not a single note was missing from the wallet. It's rare to find such honest people these days. My respect for him went up instantly, and I knew we would not be cheated if we went to his shop. He's a very true person. My friend, such are the ways of just people. They will not want to do anything of evil but only do what is right. 

There was another person whom I worked with who had this quality. When I pointed out some of his mistakes, he would immediately acknowledge them and take responsibility for them. He would also express his determination to do his best next time. Many times, people will hide their mistakes, but the people who have justice in their hearts cannot tolerate hiding anything. They will call a spade a spade. These people will accept a mistake as it is. My friend, having such a sense of justice is important; to stand up for what is true and hold on to it. 

Even though we might be wrong sometimes, asking for repentance from God and making things right is key. God loves people who acknowledge their mistakes and come to Him. There are those who also strive to bring justice to those who are unfairly treated in society. When you have a sense of justice in your heart, you feel empathy for those who suffer and want to help them and fix the situation. You will show mercy and compassion to them and want to serve them. This kind of justice is what God loves to see in our hearts, and He says those who have it are saints. They are true people who value the way of truth and do not engage in deceit. They stand for justice in their own lives and in the lives of others. Because of this, God says, "I will preserve them forever." He promises to preserve their name and bless them, both in this world and along with Him in heaven. My friend, God blesses those who show justice. Shall we ask for such a heart from Him?  

Dear Lord, please give me a heart that loves and follows justice. Help me to become a just person in all my dealings. Please grant me the boldness to stand for the truth and for what is fair and right in Your sight. Thank You, Lord, for answering this prayer and filling me with Your presence so that I can practice justice in everything I say and do. You will preserve me forever with a great name and cause Your light to shine forth through me. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.