My dear friend, today we are here to claim the promised word of God. Grasp it as if you're grasping for life because life flows from this. In James 4:6, the Bible teaches us, "But God gives more grace. Therefore it says, 'God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.'" It very clearly says here, my friend, that God opposes the proud. 

In the book of Matthew, Jesus talks about the Pharisees, mentioning how they seek the highest seats and crave the respect and admiration of others. They desire recognition and honour, often using their title and power to mistreat and look down upon people, displaying prideful behaviour. However, God opposes such prideful individuals. Oftentimes, we may not realise this, my friend. We also seek recognition and honour, but we must recognise that pride will not lead us to true success. The only path to higher positions and honour is through God's blessing, as He gives grace to the humble. He delights in spending time with the humble and hearing from them, whereas He does not listen to the words of the proud. In Matthew 5, it is stated that those who show mercy are blessed, and God shows them mercy. Amen! 

God will show us such mercy when we are merciful to others; when we get down from our high horse, and serve others. Only God is the highest. We are all at the same level, even before Him. So, humble before Him. This humble attitude should always be within us. Even in our meetings, we find that whenever people ask with humility and cry out to God, whatever titles they have, whatever background they come from, they throw it all away and cry before Jesus. God hears such people and does miracles right there. God gives grace to those who cry to Him humbly. Therefore, humble yourself. Today, God's grace is upon you.

Loving Lord, thank You for speaking to me through Your word. You delight in those who are humble and exalt them. So, please, Lord, help me to be humble. Show me each day that it is all about You and not about me or what I know or have achieved. It is by Your grace that I am saved and blessed. It is Your protection that keeps me safe and secure. It is Your wisdom and gifts that help me excel. I am nothing without You, Lord. Let me always be humble before You and obey all Your commands. I pray that You will help me to be humble towards those around me, too, so that they will see You in me and glorify Your name. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.