My friend, I want to share with you the immortal promise of Jesus through the verse Luke 11:9, which says, "So I say to you, ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you." You can ask for anything in the name of Jesus, and He will do it. A family received this blessing. Umarani got married to Santhosh in 2017, and within eight months, they began having misunderstandings. These misunderstandings grew so severe that they had to separate. Santhosh became a drunkard, and Umarani was heartbroken. After two years, she returned to her husband, and they started living together again. However, her husband had many suspicions due to her two-year absence, and his drinking increased.
During this time, Umarani’s aunt brought her to Jesus Calls Prayer Tower. There, she requested the prayer intercessors to pray, and they prayed incessantly. Every day, all these prayer requests are sent to me, and I also pray for them wherever I am. Amazingly, her husband stopped drinking, his suspicions about his wife vanished, and he began speaking peacefully with her. The Lord also blessed her with a good job in a hospital according to her educational skills. Today, all their sorrows have turned into joy because of Jesus.
The Lord tells us to ask in His name, and He will fulfill it all so that our sorrows will turn into joy. God will do it for you, and He loves you. You should pray to God right now and pour out your heart to Jesus because He will understand. He has gone through every pain and sorrow that you are experiencing right now. Jesus carried all our pains and sufferings when He carried the cross and overcame them. Jesus rose from the dead, and today He has the power to deliver you and build a home for you. He has the love and power to unite you as husband and wife and to bless you abundantly.

Dear Heavenly Father, fill me with your love and let me never be suspicious about my loved ones. Let there always be unity and love. Bless me Lord so that I can enjoy a joyous family life. Let me able to work together with my family and be a happy family. Bless my family, Lord. Father, give me the right job and may I also be settled and may there be financial blessings in my family. Lord release me from my addictive habits. Lord may I receive everything that I ask in your name. In Jesus’ name. Amen.