My precious friend, God loves you because you revere the name of Jesus and obey His commandments. Therefore, the Lord will rise up with healing in His wings, showing that He is righteous to care for you, as promised in Malachi 4:2.  

I want to share a beautiful testimony about Renu Kruthika, who is from Madurai. She graduated with a first-class and distinction in her BDS degree (dental degree) and wanted to pursue her post-graduation. So, she came to the Prayer Tower and asked the prayer warriors to pray for this need. God heard the prayers and granted her admission into the PG programme. However, the course was challenging, so she would call the Prayer Tower every day, seeking someone to pray with her for God's help in her studies. And as the prayer intercessor used the word of God and prayed with her, there was a total change. She got the results of her final examination. She was among the top three in the class. 

God also blessed her with a good job in a well-established clinic. Following that, God sent her a good marriage proposal, and she got married to her husband, who holds a postgraduate degree in medicine from a well-known medical college. This was the first proposal that came to her, and it was the best. She thankfully says that God has kept giving her the best in life. We sent her a beautiful Bible as her wedding gift, which she greatly values. What a wonderful testimony!

Truly, as you fear the name of Jesus, revere Him, and wait at His feet for Him to bless you, He will rise up in your life with healing and help you to perform and accomplish great things. Remember that the Lord you serve is righteous and faithful. 

Loving Lord, thank You for Your faithful promise. I pray that You will help me to honour and revere Your name by aligning my life with Your Word. Let me seek You first in all that I say or do. Lord, I want You to be the center of all my endeavours. Please direct my paths and guide me with Your Spirit to walk in Your will. As I keep trusting You for a miracle, I believe that You will rise up with healing in Your wings, set everything right for me, and help me to achieve much for Your glory, for You are a righteous God. I trust that You will take very good care of me.  In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.