Dear friend, today, rejoice in the day that God has made for you, for it is filled with His blessings. Get ready for victories! Let us receive God's word as found in Psalm 5:12: “You bless the righteous, O Lord; You cover him with favour as with a shield.” Yes, God blesses the righteous, and His favour surrounds them like a shield, offering divine protection and provision. You are covered with God’s favour, full and overflowing!

God will grant you favour in the eyes of others, just as it is written in Luke 2:52, where God's favour came upon Jesus before men. In the same way, God's favour will open doors for His will to be fulfilled in your life. There will be no obstacles in your path!

I remember the time when we sought approvals and permissions from a government officer, we were told that this particular officer was bad luck for us, as he disliked God's people and looked for reasons to reject their requests. But instead of fearing, we placed everything in God's hands, fasting and praying, “Lord, it is You who must give us victory. Let nothing hinder Your will.” We submitted our request with prayer. Amazingly, when the officer called our team, his attitude had completely changed. He spoke a different language - one of help, offering advice on how to move the approval forward, even helping us with the correct wording. It was pure favour in the eyes of men!

God controls every step we take, aligning the right people, releasing the needed resources, providing protection, and granting wisdom in every situation. His favour comes like a shield, surrounding us in all things. So, dear friend, get ready for such a favour to flood your life!

Dear Lord, I thank You for the gift of Your favour that surrounds me like a shield. I pray that You will cover me with Your divine protection and provision each day. Grant me favour in the eyes of others, just as You did for Jesus. Open doors in my life so that Your perfect will can be fulfilled without hindrance. Guide my every step, bringing the right people and opportunities into my life. Release the resources I need, and provide divine wisdom in all my decisions. Help me to trust in Your perfect timing and direction, even in moments of uncertainty. Let Your favour flow abundantly in my life. Even now, I surrender all my plans to You, fully trusting in Your faithful provision. In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen.