My dear friend, it's a joy to greet you today. We are going to meditate on Philippians 1:6, which says, "He who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ." My friend, I believe Jesus Calls has been a blessing to you. You may be acquainted with the ministry through Social Media, TV programmes, Prayer Festivals, the Telephone Prayer Tower, and the Prayer Towers. But do you know how it all began? When my grandfather, who founded this ministry, was starting his journey in serving the Lord in the 1960s, he was affected by tuberculosis (TB). During those days, he ministered on the streets, sharing the gospel from the roadside. When he was afflicted with TB and coughing up blood, suffering immensely in the absence of a cure, he told my grandmother that he felt he was going to die and asked her to take care of their children. He expressed his despair, stating that he couldn't endure the suffering any longer. My grandmother, however, reassured him that he would not die, reminding him of the prophecies given to them about the ministries he would carry out during his lifetime. These words were hard for him to accept, given his suffering, but God visited him during that time and showed him a vision of the future, eventually healing him in the days to come. 

From preaching on the streets, he moved on to speaking at Prayer Festivals attended by more than 10,000 people. Today, even though my grandfather is no longer with us, we continue the same mission, reaching out to more than 5,00,000 people in large gatherings at Prayer Festivals and reaching millions through social media, TV, and the Prayer Towers. We believe that God, who enabled my grandfather to do good works, remains faithful in empowering us to carry on this good work. We are confident that we will continue until Jesus comes back again.
God said that when my grandfather passed away, until now, you have seen only one Dhinakaran, but I will raise thousands of Dhinakarans in the days to come to continue this good work. So, my dear friend, through Jesus Calls, you can also continue this good work by donating your time to come and volunteer at the Prayer Tower to pray for others, to cry for others, and to wipe away their tears, bringing miracles to them. Even now, let us join together to continue this good work. God will give us the strength, wisdom, and power to continue. Shall we make a commitment to carry on this mission of wiping away the tears of the people and bringing miracles to them? 

Dear Lord, thank You for the good work that You have started in me and for all the miracles You have done in and through me over the past years. I pray that this good work will continue to touch people and turn them towards You. Please grant me more of Your power to keep up with this divine mission. Help me to dedicate my time to serving You by praying for the people and bringing miracles into their lives so that their sorrows will turn to joy. Thank You, Lord, for empowering me to continue this good work. Help me to be sincere in following Your mission and in preparing the world for Your coming. In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen.