Dear friend, may the Lord bless you abundantly, as it is written in Isaiah 51:3: “The Lord will surely comfort Zion and will look with compassion on all her ruins; He will make her deserts like Eden, her wastelands like the garden of the Lord. Joy and gladness will be found in her, thanksgiving and the sound of singing.”

Just as Numbers 24:1 says, “It pleased the Lord to bless Israel.” In the same way, the Lord declares, “I will make her deserts like Eden.” When we think of Eden, we imagine a place of immense glory, a place where God walked among His creation, where He was in fellowship with Adam and Eve. This is the very blessing God desires to give you today, dear friend.

In Isaiah 51:1-2, the Lord calls us to look up to Abraham and Sarah, recalling how they were blessed. God multiplied them greatly. He walked with Abraham and called him His friend. The same God is promising to be present with you. You, dear friend, will be like the garden of Eden—a place where His presence dwells.

The Lord also says, “I will make her wastelands like the garden of the Lord.” According to Genesis 13:10, the garden of the Lord was a well-watered garden, nourished by four rivers and planted by God’s own hand. Likewise, God will make you into a well-watered garden—so full of His blessings that you, in turn, will water and refresh others.

Furthermore, the Lord promises, “Joy and gladness will be found in her.” This signifies the restoration of your life. Consider Sarah’s life: God brought life out of her barrenness, blessing her with Isaac, whose name means “laughter.” God filled Sarah’s heart with joy, and He will do the same for you. I have experienced this in my own life. When my mother passed away, I cried deeply. But during a family prayer, the Lord spoke through my father, saying, “My child, do not weep. I will bless you with children full of talent. In the very house where you cried, you will hear the sound of children’s laughter.” At the time, I wasn’t even pregnant, and I found it hard to believe. Yet, just as the Lord promised, I later heard the joyful laughter of children in that very place.

“Joy and gladness will be found in her.” The Lord will fill your life with laughter and turn your mourning into dancing. You will give thanks to God, singing praises for His goodness. The Lord says, “Thanksgiving and the sound of singing will be found in her.” You will praise Him for His indescribable gift who is Jesus Christ. God will restore you to your original calling, for the One who called you is Faithful. Just as He transformed my sorrows into joy, He will surely do the same for you, my friend.

Dear Lord, I come before You with a heart full of faith, trusting in Your promises. Thank You for being the God who restores, the One who turns deserts into flourishing gardens. Just as You comforted Zion and brought joy and gladness to her, comfort me, Lord, and restore all that has been lost or broken in my life. Let Your presence dwell richly in me, just as it did in the garden of Eden. Fill my life with the joy and laughter that only You can bring, turning my mourning into dancing and my sorrow into songs of praise. Let thanksgiving and the sound of singing continually rise from my heart as I rejoice in Your goodness and faithfulness. I trust in Your loving promise to restore, bless, and walk with me always. In Jesus’ name, I pray,  Amen.