Dear friend, God’s promise for you for this day is from Psalm 41:12: "Because of my integrity you uphold me and set me in your presence forever." My friend, you may be working with integrity in your job, in the affairs of your government position, at home, and in matters concerning society. Yet, despite your integrity, there may be attempts to defame you and destroy your reputation. However, God will bring justice for you. He will reveal that you are a person of integrity and will keep you in His presence, always comforted, strengthened, and empowered to face such attacks. Ultimately, He will give you justice, and you will prevail—in school, at work, in government, and in society. You will be more than a conqueror. All the injustices done against you will not succeed. No weapon formed against you will prosper.
Here's a beautiful testimony from a dear brother, Mr. Jay Vellu from Chennai, who is 73 years old. He retired from the Electricity Board of the Government in 2008. Shortly after his retirement, he received a notice from the government stating there was a charge sheet against him and a case had been opened. His heart was broken because he was a man of integrity. He was asked to appear for an inquiry, and he cooperated. Two years later, there was another series of inquiries in 2010, another in 2011, and yet another in 2015. He was never allowed to be at peace—harassment after harassment for a man of integrity. Finally, the officials declared that his record was clean and there was no malice in his case. However, in 2023, fifteen years after the initial notice, Mr. Jay Vellu learned that his file was still open due to an official not closing it properly before leaving.

At this point, he sought help from the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower, where prayer intercessors prayed for justice. He also attended a Jesus Calls meeting and met with me. We prayed together, asking the Lord for justice and for the case to be closed. Miraculously, the case was closed that same year, and justice was done. They found no fault in him. Mr. Jay Vellu testified that God had brought justice. In the same place where he experienced injustice, God gave him justice. God upheld his name and gave him strength to endure the harassment through His presence. God will do the same for you.

Heavenly Father, I come before You with a heart full of gratitude for Your unwavering love and justice. Thank You for upholding me and setting me in Your presence. Lord, grant me the strength to maintain my integrity in all aspects of my life—at work, at home, and in my community. When faced with unfair accusations and attempts to tarnish my name, remind me that You are my defender and source of justice. Empower me to stand firm, knowing that no weapon formed against me will prosper. Fill me with Your comfort, strength, and peace as I navigate these challenges. I trust in Your promise to bring justice and to reveal my integrity to those around me. Thank You for being my Protector and my Advocate. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.