My precious friend, today's promise is from II Corinthians 5:21: "God made Him (Jesus) who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God."
God desires you and me to embody God's righteousness in the world. He wants to entrust us with great responsibility and importance in His kingdom in this world. When we are transformed to embody God's righteousness, it allows righteousness and holiness to flow into the world through us. This is a tremendous responsibility that we carry. Revelation 22:11,12 speaks about this, saying, "Let the one who does right continue to do right; and let the holy person continue to be holy." Through our righteousness, God's righteousness flows into the world. This is why God came into the world as a person who was without sin – to defeat the power of sin. He took on the sins and the punishment of every sinner on the cross, although He did not become a sinner Himself. 
Sis. Abigail from Vellore in Tamil Nadu shared this powerful testimony. She had two sons, and one of them, Vinod, was a construction supervisor who struggled with alcohol addiction. His addiction caused great suffering for the family as he would often drink excessively, lie in the graveyard, engage in self-harm by cutting himself with a knife, and even resort to violence at home by beating his mother and brother. In desperation, Sis. Abigail sought help from the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower, where she asked the prayer warriors to intercede for her son's deliverance. She also enrolled him in the Young Partners' Plan and obtained blessed oil from the Prayer Tower to apply the same on him and pray. Through earnest prayers and the application of the blessed oil, a miracle occurred. Vinod gradually overcame his alcohol addiction, turned to reading the Bible, and spent more time with it, ultimately finding freedom from his cravings. Today, he not only leads a sober life but also prays for others struggling with similar addictions. What a transformation! Through him, God's righteousness and holiness are flowing to others.  
Today, you have hope in Jesus. He has the power to free you from every sin, every addiction, and every curse of sin and to transform you. If you call on the name of Jesus and say, “Jesus, help me, transform me from sin, make me Your child,” He will do it. He will do it now!
Heavenly Father, as You have promised today, please set me free from every sin and curse that is entangling me. Let every addiction and craving that displeases You leave my life in Jesus' mighty name. I pray that You will cleanse me with Your precious blood, make me spotless, and clothe me with Your righteousness. Save me, Lord, and I will be saved. Remove every unwanted thought from my mind and fill it with Your thoughts. Please help me to meditate on Your word daily and be filled with Your presence. Enable me to focus on my goals and help me rise to great heights to be a blessing to others. Thank You, Lord, for granting me the grace to increase in righteousness. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.