My beloved child of God, I greet you in the mighty name of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. Today is indeed a great day. My husband, Dr. D. G. S. Dhinakaran, was anointed by the Lord with the Holy Spirit and power.

When we started Karunya University, we faced overwhelming challenges. We had no money and were burdened with numerous problems. But in the midst of all this, something miraculous happened. One night, the watchman saw a great light touching both heaven and earth. That very spot now hosts a Vision Center in Karunya. Truly, the Lord has done marvellous things in Karunya, and His presence continues to be felt there. In the same way, David declared in II Samuel 22:33, "God is my strong refuge and has made my way blameless." 

My friend, we must simply believe in God, placing our complete trust in Him. When we do, we can all receive the anointing power of Jesus Christ. In II Samuel 22:1, we read that King David, a man after God's own heart, sang this song when the Lord delivered him from all his enemies. David believed in God with unshakable faith.

In Psalm 23:1, David proclaims, "The Lord is my Shepherd." How do you read this verse? Do you declare with conviction, "The Lord is my Shepherd"? Yes, David had the Almighty Lord as his Shepherd, and he knew God's constant presence in his life. In Psalm 23:4, he boldly says, "Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me." Indeed, when God is for us, who can stand against us?

Just as my husband received the anointing from the Lord, you, too, can receive the same. Even when you are dejected and burdened by life's troubles, the Lord can give you visions. Declare today, "The Lord is my Shepherd. I desire the power of God," and cry out to Him. At this very moment, the Lord will fill you with His Holy Spirit.

Precious Heavenly Father, I come before You with a heart full of faith, trusting in Your mighty power. You are my strong refuge, my Shepherd, and I place my complete trust in You. Just as You anointed King David and guided him through every trial, I pray that You fill me with Your Holy Spirit today. Lord, in times of trouble and darkness, be my light and my strength. I desire to experience Your power, just as You worked miracles in the life of Dr. D.G.S. Dhinakaran. Fill my heart with Your presence, and lead me on the path of righteousness. Help me to declare boldly that You are my Shepherd, and I will not fear. Guide me with Your rod and staff, and let Your comfort surround me always. I thank You for the mighty anointing You are pouring upon me. In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen.