Dear friend, may the Lord bless you according to Galatians 6:9, which says, "Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up." When things get difficult, and it seems like there is no fruit in our works, do not give up. The temptation to give up is always there when facing challenges, but remember that you will reap if you do not give up.    

Once, I heard a young pastor speaking to my husband over the phone about the many challenges he was facing in his ministry. He was being criticised for serving the Lord and was feeling troubled in his heart. People all around were mocking him, and the situation seemed overwhelming for him. He reached a point where he thought he couldn't go on and asked my husband, "Should I give up? Can I start a new business and move on with my life?" My husband counselled him, saying, "Press on forward and strive to win the goal that is kept in front of you." This one word touched his heart, and he held on to God. Today, he is a powerful pastor, used by the Lord mightily to bring miracles into the lives of the people.  Never give up, dear friend. There's a plant called the snowdrop. It's very delicate, and its flower is a beautiful white colour. The snowdrop is so determined to bloom that it often peeks through the crust of spring snows in the winter season. This plant symbolises hope and new life, just like in Christ. The message the snowdrop flower brings is: do not give up. Like this plant, even in the harshest of times, if you keep going, you will certainly reap a harvest.

The Bible also says in II Chronicles 15:7, “As for you, be strong and do not give up, for your good work will be rewarded.” Everyone has a calling from the Lord. You just need to do the work the Lord has called you to do. Never give up. May the Lord use you among your family, in your church, and in the ministry field. Your work will be rewarded. Do not be discouraged in doing good work. At the proper time, you will be rewarded. A farmer waits patiently for the crops to come up and to bloom and flourish. Likewise, wait patiently, my friend. You will reap the harvest. May the beauty of the Lord be seen in you, and may He bless all the work of your hands.

Heavenly Father, please bless me today. You are not an unjust God who forgets my labour of love towards You and Your people. I believe that You will reward me. I choose to trust You and be expectant of Your blessings. Strengthen my weak hands and grant me the grace to press on towards the goal You have set before me. Let me see the reward in my family and workplace and experience a plentiful harvest in all I do for You. Father, I ask for hope, a future, and new beginnings in my life. Let everything in my life bloom and flourish. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.