Friend, I encourage you to receive the "bread of life" from Jesus today. But what exactly is this "bread of life"? It's the promise from the Lord, found in I John 4:16, "God is love, and whoever abides in love abides in God, and God abides in him." This means that God wants us to have love within us so that we can be close to Him, and He can be close to us.

How can we abide in love? The verse says, "God is love", so what does this love mean? It's not the kind of love we see in the world, where people only love you when you do good things for them or when they find you attractive. The love that God represents is different. It's unconditional, everlasting, and never fails. It doesn't depend on how someone looks or what they do for us. This is the kind of love we should strive to have.

There is a greater love that God wants to keep in our hearts. Jesus loved with such love! Even when Peter denied knowing who Jesus was and said, "I don't know such a person." How much would it break our hearts if our friend said that? Jesus still loved him. How was Jesus able to love these people even at His worst times? It was through the Spirit of God who poured love into His heart (Romans 5:5).

Therefore, we need the Spirit of God to continue pouring the love of God into our hearts every day. When we abide in love, we abide in God. Without the Spirit of God, we can become angry, seek revenge, and feel frustrated. However, through the Holy Spirit, we can remain in love. Let us ask God to help us.

Dear Lord, You have promised to help me abide in You and in Your love. I cannot do this on my own with my human weaknesses, so I need Your Holy Spirit to change my heart and fill it with Your perfect love. I want You to abide in me, Lord, so I commit myself to abide in You and Your love daily. Fill me once more, and help me always to act with love and be a blessing to others. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.