My dear friend, it's a joy to greet you today. Our promise verse comes from Psalm 23:4, a verse we all know and love. Let's read it together: "Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for You are with me." Yes, my dear friend, what a powerful assurance! Even when we face death, even when everything around us points toward destruction, we will not fear because God is with us. What a great promise of comfort and strength.

Today, you may feel like you're walking through that dark valley. Perhaps you're surrounded by darkness, feeling utterly alone, with death knocking at your door. Maybe the doctors have given up on you, telling you that this is your last week, your final days with your family. You might have heard them say, "Say your goodbyes and wait for the end." Perhaps you're in such despair. Or maybe it's debt that weighs you down - no money to repay what you owe, no idea where your next meal will come from. You might be thinking, "This is my last day," overwhelmed with fear as you walk through this dark valley.

But, my dear friend, God is with you. You have nothing to be afraid of. This is exactly what happened to a dear sister named Poongavanam from Pondicherry. In 2022, she was diagnosed with bladder cancer, and she lost all hope. The doctors said nothing more could be done for her. In August, they told her she had only one week to live. Her heart was broken, as none of the treatments could help. But in her moment of despair, her neighbours, who were partners of the Jesus Calls Ministry, told her about the miracles happening through the ministry. They said, "Dr. Paul is coming to Pondicherry for the Partners' Meet. Come with us, and when you pray at the meeting, God will heal you."

So, with much faith, she attended the meeting, sitting in the front row with her tubes and urine bag. During the prayer time, as my father, Dr. Paul Dinakaran, prayed, "Let every cancer be healed," she prayed along with him, believing in her heart that God would heal her. After a week, she went back to the doctor for a scan, and to their amazement, the doctor said, "Where is the cancer? There is no sign of it. You are healed. Go home." She was overjoyed! God had rescued her from the shadow of death, and she was completely healed.

Today, God will do the same for you. You will fear no evil because God is with you. When you walk through the valley of the shadow of death, you will say, "God is with me. I don't have to be afraid of anything. He will rescue me." Today, He will rescue you, my dear friend. Everyone else might have let you down, but God is walking with you. Do not be afraid. Let's pray together and receive this promise for our lives.

Dear Lord, thank You for being my constant companion, even in the darkest valleys of life. When fear and despair surround me, I trust that You are near, holding me close to You. Lord, You promise that I will fear no evil because You are with me, and I hold on to that assurance. Please rescue me from my fears, my burdens, and my uncertainties. When others give up on me, You always remain faithful, never leaving my side. Fill me with Your perfect peace that surpasses all understanding and help me walk forward with courage, knowing that You will deliver me from harm. I place my life in Your hands. In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen.