My dear friend, today we are meditating on Isaiah 43:1: "Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name, you are Mine." According to this verse, God reassures you not to be afraid, for He has redeemed you. He has called you by your name and says, "You are mine."

Today, you may feel like you keep sinning again and again and wonder if God will ever forgive you. You want to leave your sin behind but find yourself repeating the same mistakes. You might question if God will take you back. Be assured that God will help you overcome your struggles with sin and embrace you with His loving arms because He has called you by your name. He says, "You are mine". So, run to Him today, leave your sins behind, and do what is right in the eyes of the Lord Jesus. He will lead you to the path of victory and grant you success in everything you do. Let's be thankful for God's redemption and seek Him today.

Loving Lord, thank You for redeeming me. Thank You for calling me by my name and claiming me as Yours, as I claim You as mine. I am grateful that You have chosen me to know You more deeply and to be closer to You. Today, I pray that You will help me overcome my struggles with sin and any desires for worldly pleasures. Let anything that is not from You leave me. I pray that You will redeem me today, wash me clean with Your blood, and make me a new creation in You. Let me draw closer to You without fear or condemnation and enjoy Your redeeming power. Please help me to rejoice in this new life that You have given me and always be Yours, doing what is right in Your eyes as I move forward on the path to success and eternal life. I thank You, Lord, for this gift. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.