My friend, have you checked out the Jesus Calls calendar today? You can find the promise from God for today. According to II Thessalonians 3:5, God says, "May the Lord direct your hearts to the love of God and to the steadfastness of Christ." This means that God is going to direct our hearts to His love and direct our hearts to remain patiently duty-bound to serve Him and to be steadfastly clinging on to Him.

Today, you might say I feel like I've lost the ability to love. My constant fights with my wife have made it difficult for me to love her or my family. The betrayal of my business partner has made it hard for me to trust or love anyone. I find myself being angry all the time because I've lost someone very dear to me. My heart has become closed and hardened. 

When Jesus met my grandfather for the first time and saved him, He said, “This is the heart of men, Dhinakaran, a hard heart. But from today, I am giving you My heart, a heart of love and compassion to love everybody. Go and love My people.” From that day, grace has come into us. My father stands from morning till evening, ministering to the people and praying individually for thousands with a heart of love for them. Even while he is working in the office, if someone urgently needs prayer, he runs to attend to them, meet them, or call them. He loves each one of our family and takes care of our things, even though he is busy with so much.

My friend, love and care for people come from the love that God directs you to. Shall we open our hearts to the love of Jesus today?

Dear Lord, please help me not to be hard-hearted and cold. I know I can only care for others if I love them as You have commanded. I don't want to live solely for myself. Please open my heart to You first, Lord, and fill me with Your love. Direct my heart to Your love, as You have promised. You suffered on the cross and died for me out of deep love, and I ask for Your help to make me receive Your love and to love others. Fill me with the richness and warmth of Your love. Please take care of me and help me remain steadfast in serving You. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.