Dear Friend, Today's promise comes from Psalm 58:11, where the Lord says, "Surely there is a reward for the righteous; surely He is God who judges the earth." You may be diligently working, living a righteous life, always generous to the needy, and devoted to God’s service. Perhaps you wonder, "I treat everyone fairly, so when will I receive my reward?" Rest assured, the Lord promises that your righteousness will be richly rewarded. As Jesus teaches in Matthew 6:33, "Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you."

One of our cherished partners, Sister Sandhiya Lokhande from Pune, Maharashtra, has been faithfully supporting Jesus Calls for 19 years. Since marrying in 2002, she lived in rented accommodation until 2018, earnestly awaiting a home of her own. In May, she visited the Bethesda Prayer Centre in Karunya Nagar, Coimbatore, where she fervently prayed. Miraculously, in June, God provided her family with a beautiful new home. Though they hoped for a small house, God exceeded their expectations with a spacious and lovely home. Truly, He blesses abundantly beyond what we ask or imagine.
Another inspiring testimony she shared involves her career. For 15 years at an MNC, while her colleagues received timely promotions and generous raises, hers were consistently minimal. Despite her dedication and hard work, she felt disheartened and overlooked for advancement. She applied to numerous companies without success. However, in February 2022, she returned to Bethesda Prayer Centre, seeking God’s guidance for a new job. She prayed for a clear sign of His presence before leaving. As she walked from the center, she received a call offering her a position at another prestigious MNC. For the past 10 months, she has thrived there, earning 50% more than her previous salary. God honored her righteousness with a remarkable career breakthrough, just as He promises for all who trust in Him.

Heavenly Father, I come before You with a grateful heart, acknowledging Your goodness and faithfulness in my life. Thank You for your promises of reward for the righteous and Your provision beyond what I can imagine. Help me to continue seeking Your kingdom and righteousness above all else, trusting in Your perfect timing and plans for my life. May Your presence guide me in every decision and circumstance. Amen.