My precious friend, do you say, “I have no strength at all”? Remember that even when your strength fails, the Bible says in Isaiah 40:29, “The Lord gives power to the faint, and to him who has no might he increases strength.” So, when you feel weak, the Lord will give you strength, and when you feel like you have no power at all, He will increase your strength.

The Bible mentions that the Lord Jesus took on all our weaknesses and carried all our sicknesses. The punishment for our peace came upon Him. Have you lost all your strength because of the problems in your life? Take heart! The Lord Jesus Christ is your strength. He is your refuge, your strength, and a very present help in times of trouble. He will give you power when you are fainting, and He will make you rise up. So, be of good cheer. 

A sister named Vadivu shared this testimony: She had no knowledge about Jesus. Her sister got married at 18, but Sis. Vadivu remained unmarried even at 26. Many people told her she would never get married. Eventually, a man who was already married proposed to her, and her mother pressured her to accept the proposal due to financial concerns. Her relatives also insisted that only such a man would marry her. Sis. Vadivu was heartbroken. At her lowest point, when she was alone, she attempted to end her life by hanging herself. Luckily, her family intervened and saved her just in time. After this incident, her parents cancelled the marriage proposal. During this difficult time, someone gave her the Jesus Calls magazine to read. As she read it, she found great peace and developed faith in Jesus. She started praying to Jesus. She also wrote a letter to Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and received a prayerful reply, assuring her that good things would happen in her life because of her trust in Jesus. Around this time, she went to a family event at a relative's house. Her father's friend expressed interest in introducing her to a man. In just one week, her marriage was arranged, and everything went smoothly. There was much joy, and she soon became pregnant.

However, Sis. Vadivu noticed that her sister, who had been married for five years, had not conceived. She felt it wouldn't be right for her to have a child while her sister couldn't. Consequently, she took pills to prevent conception, but they had no effect. She was warned by doctors that these actions could lead to a high-risk pregnancy. So, she immediately repented of her actions and turned to Jesus, asking Him to grant her His strength. The Lord heard her prayers and gave her the power to deliver a healthy child successfully. Today, she is enjoying the life the Lord Jesus built for her. 

My friend, the Lord will surely give you power. He will increase your strength and make you enjoy the full measure of His blessing. Let not your heart be troubled!

Dear Lord, thank You for assuring me that You will increase my strength and make me powerful. You are the Lord who gives power to the weak and to those who have no might. I pray that You will strengthen me from within and help me rise again. I command every sorrow, obstacle, and sickness that is weakening me to be removed in Your mighty name. Lord, thank You for bearing all my weaknesses on the cross so that I can walk in Your strength and victory. As I wait in Your presence, I know that You will renew my strength and make me soar on wings like eagles. I will not grow weary or faint, for You, O Lord, are my strength. In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen.