My dear friend, today we are meditating on Revelation 3:8, “I have set before you an open door, which no one is able to shut.”

Are you saying, "Everything in my life seems shut?" My business is not prospering. I'm not doing well in my job. I'm not getting a promotion. I'm not able to come up in life. I don't have sufficient funds to sustain myself. I don't have love or care in my life. Everywhere I look, I see failure. But my friend, remember that God has set an open door before you that no one will be able to shut.

In the same way, there is a person who has experienced this in their life. Her name is Hephzibah, and her husband's name is Balan. At one point,   they were struggling financially. Hephzibah was doing tailoring at home while Balan was in the business of servicing LED TVs. They had two daughters, and their financial situation was dire. They couldn't even afford their daily expenses or their children's school fees. 

In this hopeless situation, they said they came to the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower, attended a Business Blessing meeting there and prayed fervently for their business. After this, they participated in the Partner Training Programme at the Prayer Tower, where they learned how to pray, how to get closer to God, and how to serve others. They started volunteering at the JC House Prayer Tower and began helping with the ministry. 

As a result, their family's financial situation began to change. Mr. Balan's business, which was failing, gradually started to flourish. Their children also got involved, serving in the Prayer Tower's youth ministry choir. Now, their family is prospering, and all their financial problems have disappeared. What a beautiful testimony! When they started serving the Lord, their circumstances turned around, and God has blessed them richly, opening all the doors of blessing in their life. 

My friend, in the same way, as you begin to serve the Lord and dedicate your time to serving people in His name, God will open doors in your life that no one can shut. Let's hold onto this promise today as we commit to serving Him. 

Dear Lord, thank You for promising me that You have set an open door before me. Today, I am making a commitment to spend my time for You, to serve people in Your name, to love them, to care for them, and to pray for them. I pray that You will open all the shut doors in my life. Let me prosper in my endeavours and in my family life. Keep me as a channel of blessing to others and glorify Your name. In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen.