My precious friend, the promise of Romans 6:14 declares, “For sin will have no dominion over you since you are not under law but under grace.” In Jesus' name, sin will have no control over you, and you shall be free.

Nisha from Pune shared this beautiful testimony. She was married to Solomon in 2008, who worked as a security guard at a bank. They were blessed with two children, but after three years of marriage, Solomon fell into the grip of alcohol, cigarettes, and ganja addiction. All his earnings were wasted on these vices, leaving no money for their family's needs. They struggled to pay rent and often went hungry with their children. Nisha had never worked before, but she desperately searched for a job to feed her family, yet found none. Her husband’s abuse added to her sorrow, and the burden felt unbearable. She didn’t want to live anymore, but for the sake of her children, she endured the pain.

At this time, someone told her about the Pune Jesus Calls Prayer Tower. The prayer warriors welcomed her, prayed with her, and as she poured out her heart, they comforted and strengthened her with the scriptures. Nisha was filled with great hope and said, “Someday I will testify about the power of the miracles Jesus will do for me.” And indeed, the Lord opened doors of blessing. She got a job at a girls' school, and through God’s grace, she enrolled her family in the Family Blessing Plan and her children in the Young Partners Plan. The very same school where she worked offered her daughter, Manorama, free tuition. The prayer warriors continued to intercede for her and especially for her husband.

One day, during a fasting prayer at the Prayer Tower, as they prayed together, God touched her husband while he was standing in front of the bank where he worked. He came home crying and confessed, “I have sinned against God, and I have sinned against you, my wife. Please forgive me.” Nisha was shocked but overjoyed to hear these words. She gladly forgave him. He promised, “I will never drink again. I want to serve Jesus.” From that day, his drinking stopped. He later joined Bible college, received theological training, and now serves the Lord faithfully. God turned their sorrow into joy.

Sin will no longer have dominion over you, for you are under the grace brought by Jesus. No more evil thoughts, no more demonic oppression. As you surrender to God’s Word and live according to the scriptures, you will be filled with Jesus, the living Word, walking closely with Him. Today, that same grace is coming upon you. Jesus will set you free from sin. Cry out to Him, and He will answer.

Loving Lord, I thank You for the promise of Romans 6:14 that sin will have no dominion over me because I am under Your grace, brought by Jesus. I believe that in Your name, sin has no control over my life, and I will be free. Fill me with Your living Word as I surrender to You and walk according to Your scriptures. Remove every evil thought and break every chain of demonic oppression in my life. Let Your grace flood my heart today and set me free from all bondage. I cry out to You, Lord, trusting in Your power to save and deliver me. Help me walk closely with You, leaning on Your strength and love every day. Thank You for the freedom and victory You bring through Your grace. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.