My precious friend, today's promise is taken from Hebrews 10:24: "Let us consider how to stir up one another to love and to do good works." When we love others with the love of Jesus, our good works flow naturally, and in return, God promises to bless us abundantly, as He did with Ruth: "I will repay you with good works" (Ruth 2:12). Ruth dedicated herself to caring for her widowed mother-in-law, despite being a widow herself, and God rewarded her with a beautiful family life.

One perfect example of this comes from Sis. Annamma Agustin from Chennai. She was diagnosed with two dangerous boils in her womb, each weighing three kilos, and faced a risky surgery. She prayed fervently, saying, "Lord, if you save my life and give it back to me, I will serve you." During the operation, one of the boils burst, creating a critical situation. But God intervened miraculously, saving her life.

True to her promise, Sis. Annamma began to serve the Lord passionately. She volunteered at Jesus Calls meetings, sharing about Jesus and offering prayers to those in need. Eventually, she left her job and dedicated herself to full-time ministry. In response, God blessed her family abundantly: her children excelled academically, secured excellent jobs, got settled with God-fearing partners, and God has blessed them with children. We thank God for making them partners, and today, they are complete in every aspect. They were able to do good through the love of Jesus Christ.

You can also spend your time sharing the message of Jesus with others and praying for them, and you will experience the goodness that God brings into your life. Continue to stir up one another to love and to do good works, trusting that God's blessings will follow!    

Heavenly Father, thank You for teaching me the importance of stirring up love and encouraging good works in one another. You are a God who longs to comfort Your children and perform signs and wonders among us. Today, I lay down my desires and plans, trusting You to take complete control and guide me according to the calling You have placed upon my life. Lord, help me to look beyond my own needs and fill my heart with Your love and compassion. Give me a burden for the lost and hurting, and let me be faithful in praying for those in need. Teach me to make the best use of the time You have graciously given me, dedicating it to loving others and sharing Your word. I trust that You will use me mightily for Your glory, and I believe that You will reward every good work done in Your name. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.