My precious friend, "In Jesus we live and move and have our being," as Acts 17:28 reminds us. Today, you may wonder, " How will I live?" Perhaps nothing in your life feels certain. You're unsure how to face the day, feeling overwhelmed by the weight of depression, fear, pain, or unmet needs. Everything around you seems to have failed. The future looks cloudy. But, my friend, this verse assures us: "In Jesus, you will live."

When you place your life in the hands of Jesus and commit yourself to Him, there is life—a life full of hope, strength, and purpose. In Him, you will live. Not only that, you will move. God will move you forward, help you rise above your circumstances, and bring you to a broad space.

Right now, you may feel bound, stuck, unable to move forward. But remember, Jesus Himself was bound on the cross, mocked and accused. He endured the deepest agony to understand and carry your own. Even if you feel trapped, with no way forward, take heart—Jesus promises that in Him, you will not stagnate. You will not be defeated. You will live. You will move. And Jesus will dwell within you, bringing His life into your soul, mind, and body. Let not let your heart be troubled.

Jesus helped a girl called Sonam from Aurangabad. Sonam's home was filled with constant fighting and turmoil. Her parents' conflicts opened the door for demons, and tragically, both her mother and father took their own lives. Sonam's world was shattered, with every path around her seemingly closed. But then, her uncle took her in. But the evil spirits started coming after Sonam and tormented her. It was at this time that someone told her, "Jesus loves you, and He will help you." Clinging to this hope, Sonam prayed, "Jesus, help me."

Miraculously, doors began to open. She was admitted to a nursing college where her classmate Deepali, a Jesus Calls Young Partner, introduced her to the Jesus Calls ministry. Through the prayers of the intercessors at the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower, the evil spirits that were tormenting her left, and peace began to fill Sonam's heart. Her sorrow was turned into joy, and as she continued seeking God in prayer, He filled her with His Holy Spirit.

Sonam's life changed forever. She then reached out to me through email for prayer support regarding her education, and I sent her a reply and prayed for her. Soon after, she passed her exams and secured a job in the hospital as a staff nurse. Today, she is filled with the grace to move forward, to live and to have her being through the Holy Spirit in Jesus. If God could bless and transform her life, He can do the same for you.

Today, God will bless you. You will live. You will move forward. And you will have your being in Jesus.    

Dear Lord, thank You for sending Jesus as my Saviour into this world, and for the promise that in Him, I will find life, growth, and true purpose. Your Word declares, “When that which is complete and perfect comes, that which is incomplete and partial will pass away.” You are the One who is complete and perfect, and when You dwell in me, everything that is stagnant, hopeless, dry, or oppressive must flee. So today, I surrender myself entirely to You, trusting that You will fill me with Your presence and make me whole. I long to have my being in You, to live fully in Your Light. Please grant me the grace to move forward with strength, to live in the fullness of Your presence, and to have my being through the power of Your Holy Spirit in Jesus. In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen.