My dear friend, today we are meditating on Psalm 119:76, "Let Your steadfast love comfort me according to Your promise to Your servant." Today, the Lord's steadfast love will comfort you.

What does it mean when we say "steadfast"? It means never changing, firmly fixed in place, immovable, and not subject to change. Steadfast means that it will never change. That's how God's love for us is. His love will never change. We see this in Psalm 57:10, which says that His steadfast love reaches the heavens. Yes, He is pouring His love upon you today.

We all know the story of the Hachi dog. This story originated in Japan. The dog was called Hachiko, and his owner was a professor who would go to work every day. This dog would accompany him to the train station and wait for him there until he came back. This routine continued every day for a year. However, one day, his owner passed away. Despite this, Hachiko continued to wait for him at the train station, expecting him to come back. He waited patiently, and over time, people who saw him fed him, showed their love for him and sheltered him. They saw his loyalty never wavered and that he continued to wait for his master. Even in the face of death, his commitment to his master remained constant. His perseverance and love inspired many, showing how deep and constant a dog's love for its owner can be. My friend, if a dog can show this much love for its master, how much more does God show His love for us that He took our sins upon Himself and died for us? And He was so concerned about us that He did not want us to be alone, so He gave us His Holy Spirit.

Today, you might be feeling like you have done things that have distanced you from God. You may want to turn to God but feel uncertain if you can. However, my dear friend, in Romans 8:38-39, the Bible says, "Nothing can separate us from God's love - not death, life, fears for today, worries about tomorrow, or even the powers of hell." So, take heart, my dear friend. God's steadfast love is being poured onto you today. It never changes, and nothing can separate you from this love. His love will comfort you as He promises. So, no matter the challenges you are facing today, remember that God's love is being poured upon you to comfort you and help you overcome these challenges. Will you accept this love today?

Dear Lord, thank You for pouring Your steadfast love upon me. I pray that You will comfort me through Your promises, no matter the challenges I am facing. Please continue to fill me with Your love today, helping me to overcome everything that comes my way. Lord, let me never feel lonely, but instead feel the rise of Your Holy Spirit within me, bringing me comfort. Please provide all that I need, and bless me, Lord. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.