My dear friend, if you visit the Jesus Calls website or look at our calendar, you can find a promise for today. It's prayerfully written by my mother, and according to II Corinthians 1:22, it says, "God has also put His seal on us and given us His Spirit in our hearts as a guarantee." May God bless you according to this verse today.   
God has placed a seal on us, signifying that He is the One who owns us. We belong to Him, and we inherit all good things from Him, and this seal is guaranteed through the Holy Spirit whom God has given in our hearts. This Holy Spirit leads us towards God's righteousness, protects us from the evil that the devil tries to bring into our lives, and shields us from the temptations of sin. Therefore, we should not attempt to live a righteous life on our own. We shouldn't think that doing a few good deeds will make everything right with God or that serving our church or pastor will make God happy. We need the Holy Spirit to overcome sin and to do God's righteous will in our lives. He is the one who helps us lead a pure life before God. Therefore, ask the Lord for this grace. You will hear the voice of the Holy Spirit leading you in all situations.
David was protected by the Holy Spirit. He was a man full of the Spirit of God and was chased by King Saul. Saul wanted to take David's life, so he gave him no rest and chased him from place to place. However, at one point, when Saul was in David's hands, David saw Saul sleeping in a cave. David could have easily taken revenge due to the anger he felt for Saul, who had been destroying his life. Instead, David chose to listen to the Spirit of God, giving up his desire for revenge, and said, "How can I touch an anointed one of God? Saul, you have been anointed as king by God. I will respect that." This shows how the Holy Spirit can lead us to make the right decision. Saul, in turn, respected David and even fell at his feet, acknowledging that David was a man appointed and anointed by God. This Biblical incident shows that our simple obedience can elevate us above the kings in this world. Let's treasure obeying and living purely before God and ask for His grace.

Precious Lord, thank You for Your Holy Spirit, whom You have given as my guarantee for living purely. I pray that Your Spirit will teach me to live a holy life. I welcome You now, precious Holy Spirit. Please fill me with Your presence and guide me. Make Your dwelling in me and lead me to live a life of holiness and righteousness. Grant me the power to overcome sin, the voice of the devil, and the voice of lust in my heart. Help me to keep Your righteousness so that I will continue walking with You daily. Thank You, Lord, for Your precious seal of the Holy Spirit upon my life. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.