Dear friend, As in Isaiah 31:5, today God promises, “Like birds hovering overhead, the LORD Almighty will shield Jerusalem; He will shield it and deliver it, He will ‘pass over’ it and will rescue it.” Like a bird, the Lord protects us. In many places in the Bible, the Lord is compared to an eagle. Like an eagle, the Lord hovers over us to protect us. The eagle is considered the king of birds and possesses great power. It can attack all its enemies, even a human who threatens its prey. It has immense power and strength.

Likewise, the Almighty God, who is all-powerful, protects us. David knew very well about the protection of God. In Psalm 32:7, he said, “You are my hiding place, Lord. You will protect me from trouble and surround me with songs of deliverance.” We can hide under the wings of the Almighty. Anytime we face trouble, we can gladly go and hide under the wings of the Almighty.

Once, when we landed in a foreign country, a friend took us from the airport to the place where we were to stay. Our friend was so excited and kept talking to us. The whole family was sitting in the car. As he was so excited, he didn't even look at the traffic light. Suddenly, the light turned red, but he kept going, crossing the red line. Suddenly, a car from the left side came and hit our car. We didn't know what was happening; everything happened in a split second. We just shouted, "Jesus." That's all we could say. At that moment, the Lord miraculously saved the entire family along with our friend. Only the car was damaged; we were all safe. What a good God we have to protect and save us, dear friend. He is our hiding place. The enemy can attack us at any time. As 1 Peter 5:8 says, “The enemy, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour.” But the Lord protects us from the enemy, the devil. The enemy comes to steal, kill, and destroy. However, as the Bible says in Psalm 121:7, “The Lord preserves us from all evil. The Lord preserves our soul.” What a good God we have!
We have traveled to more than 40 countries to minister, but the Lord came along with us to all these places. Like a bird protecting its young ones, the Lord protected us, dear friend. No evil could harm us. Likewise, the Lord promises to do the same for you. He will not only protect you but also deliver you. He will spare and rescue you.

Heavenly Father, I come before You with gratitude for Your protection and love. Just as You shielded Jerusalem and hovered over it like a mighty eagle, I trust that You are always watching over me. Thank You for being my hiding place and my deliverer. In moments of trouble, I seek refuge under Your wings, knowing that You will keep me safe. Lord, guide my steps and protect me from the dangers and enemies that surround me. Fill my heart with peace and confidence in Your promises. I am grateful for the many ways You have safeguarded me and my loved ones. Help me to always remember Your strength and love. I place my trust in You, knowing that You are my protector, my deliverer, and my Savior. In Jesus' name, I pray, Amen.