My precious friend, the Bible says in Proverbs 15:19, “The path of the upright is a level highway.” Another translation says, “The path of the righteous is a righteous royal highway.” 

A dear brother named Prasanna from Hyderabad shared this testimony. He was working in a bank and was under a lot of pressure, which made him feel depressed and anxious. This caused misunderstandings with his wife, leading to their separation. His wife filed a police complaint and a case in court for separation, and he had to take care of their four-year-old child alone. As a result, he lost his job of nine years and was left with no support. His friends and relatives advised him to apply for a divorce and end the marriage. During this challenging time, he visited the Prayer Tower of Jesus Calls, where the prayer intercessors prayed with him. God blessed him with a new job, but the court cases continued, with constant postponements causing stress and harassment. When he heard that we were coming as a family to conduct the Prophetic Prayer Conference, he decided to attend. Although he initially expected to receive prayer from me, he found great hope in the messages shared by the members of our family. He learned how to pray for himself and also how to intercede for others. Hope filled his heart. On the last day of the conference, as I laid hands upon him, the power of God filled him. Miraculously, during the same month, his wife started sending him old family videos and messages, surprising him greatly. They met, sought forgiveness from each other, and reconciled. His wife went to court and expressed her decision to stay with him, leading to the closure of the court case. Today, they are happily living together as a family. Prasanna felt called to serve others through prayer at the Prayer Tower, and God responded by placing him on a "royal highway." He now enjoys a joyful family life, a stable job, and a close walk with Jesus.

God desires for your life to be a "royal highway." When you serve the King of kings in your job and with your family, God transforms your life's path into a royal highway. When Jesus walks with you, your life becomes a royal highway. Today, make a decision to dedicate your time at work and with your family to Jesus, and He will walk alongside you. He will turn all the sadness in your life into joy. Every sorrow will be turned into joy.

Dear Lord, I am grateful for Your promise to make my life path a royal highway. Today, I recommit my life to serving You in every area—whether at work, at home, or wherever I may be. I desire to dedicate more of my time to walking closely with You and always being in the center of Your will. Please grant me a heart that serves Your people through prayer so that I can become a blessing to many. Help me to stand firm in my commitment as I walk hand in hand with You on the royal highway that You have beautifully laid for me. In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen.