My dear friend, today heaven rejoices because you have sought Jesus. "Seek Me and you shall find," He said. You will certainly find all the treasures in Him. Today, we find it as per Isaiah 59:21, "My Spirit that is upon you, and My words that I have put in your mouth, shall not depart out of your mouth." Amen!

God will put His words in our mouths and send us to the people. In Jesus, there are treasures of wisdom and knowledge, and the Holy Spirit that was in Him is given to us. Through the Holy Spirit, we can have all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge of God. And through these treasures, God puts the right word in our mouths whenever we need it and whenever we ask Him.  Today, you might say, "Lord, nothing I say or do seems wise. I feel foolish, and I don't know what the right thing to do is. I keep making mistakes and am not useful in what I do. I don't feel like I'm getting anywhere, Lord. I don't know what to do." But today, my friend, God is willing to give you His stores of wisdom and knowledge.

Every time I go to speak or preach the word of God, I wait for the one word of wisdom. I would tell the Lord, "I don't know what to speak or what the people want, Lord. Show me." I wait for that treasure of wisdom, even for office meetings or business leadership meetings, to be able to present the right thoughts and know the right strategies. I plead with the Lord, saying, "Show me, Lord. I don't know what to do. Let Your wisdom come and shine so that we will be blessed." My friend, wait for that wisdom from God. Even before you study, wait for that treasure of wisdom to fill you. You will see a difference in what you present, what you speak, or what you understand. It will be a great experience, and the power of the Lord will come through you. Let's grasp this wisdom and knowledge from God.   


Dear Lord, I am grateful for Your promise to fill my mouth with Your words of wisdom, which will never depart from me. Please make me worthy of this, and grant me Your grace and strength to patiently receive Your word through Your Holy Spirit so that I will be a blessing in the place where You have placed me. Let Your wisdom shine through in all that I say, do, and endeavour, and lead me to success. Lord, I am unsure of my future, but You know everything about it. I seek Your guidance and wisdom to remain in Your will and to fulfill Your higher purposes all the days of my life. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.