My friend, God’s promise for us for today is from Isaiah 58:9, “Then you will call, and the LORD will answer; you will cry for help, and he will say: Here am I. “If you do away with the yoke of oppression, with the pointing finger and malicious talk.” Isn't it amazing to hear that God will answer us and say 'Here I am', because finding the Lord is a great thing? In this verse, it says, “Then the Lord shall call and you will answer.”

The chapter addresses the children of God and how the Lord is frustrated with them. He instructs the leaders to proclaim their sins and confront them for their actions. The people complain that despite fasting and bowing before Him, their prayers go unanswered. This is because they approach Him insincerely, neglecting justice and righteousness. Even in fasting, they quarrel and mistreat their workers, then question why their prayers are unheard.

My friend, there are times when we approach God in such states, but the Lord yearns to answer us. He wants to declare, ‘Here I am’, urging us to seek righteousness before our desires. Pursuing His righteousness will fulfill us. Doing good, fearing the Lord, and acting rightly will please Him, ensuring our prayers are answered. Today, He desires this righteousness within us and He will make it radiate to others. God bless you.


Heavenly Father, As I come before You today, I am reminded of Your promise, that when I call, You will answer, and when I cry out, You will say, "Here I am." Lord, I acknowledge that sometimes I come to You with a heart burdened by my own failings and shortcomings. I repent for the times I have pointed fingers, spoken wickedness, and neglected justice. Forgive me, Lord, for approaching You with empty rituals and traditions, while my heart was far from You. Help me to seek Your righteousness earnestly, to do good to others, and to fear You in reverence. May my actions reflect Your love and justice, and may they be pleasing in Your sight. Father, I long to hear Your voice saying, "Here I am." Teach me to align my desires with Your will, so that my prayers may be answered according to Your perfect plan. May Your righteousness shine through me today and always. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.