My dear friend, today we have something exciting to receive from Jesus. So grab hold of the good thing God is giving you. II Corinthians 5:7 says, “For we walk by faith, not by sight.”

Today, God will guide us to walk by faith. This is how my grandmother, Mrs. Stella Dhinakaran, has lived her life - by walking in faith. Today marks her salvation day, and we are grateful for the countless lives she has touched and blessed. Through her faith, she has inspired and resurrected many in Christ. And now, God is bestowing that same faith upon us. We are not here to walk by sight.  

There was a fighter in a movie. He closed his eyes with a cloth because he wanted to fight using his other senses. Instead of relying on sight, he wanted to react faster by hearing the footsteps or feeling the air around him change. This involved training with all his other senses. We are also going to be doing the same metaphorically, closing our eyes. Because what do our eyes see? 1 John 2:16 talks about the lust of the world that we see and how we get lost in this world, away from Jesus. Also, our eyes see the fear that lies ahead of us. We see people falling and fear that we may also fall. We observe people achieving extraordinary things and worry whether we can do the same. We are afraid of our path in life. But, my friend, we must choose to live in faith.

Faith makes us focus on the beauty of the Lord rather than being consumed by the lust of this world. When we live our lives with Jesus, we are lost in His beauty and find great joy. Faith makes us see the path of blessing that is ahead of us and have the confidence that we will not stumble. Faith always strengthens us in the Lord, saying, "The Lord has a good thing for you." Faith makes us walk towards the path which God has for us and to see the promise that God has for us. That's why Noah was never afraid when he built a boat, seeing the things that were to come. Faith made him see what was going to come. Caleb was never afraid to fight the Canaanites, who were so mighty, because God promised them the promised land. Faith makes you strong, clinging on to the promise of God. May the Lord grant you a great walk by faith with Him. 

Loving Lord, please grant me the grace to have a close walk with You. Help me to see You and walk in faith behind You without being afraid of what I see in this world. Strengthen my faith within me so that I can fully trust in You. Even when things are falling apart, let my faith never drift or change, Lord. Please help me to always believe in Your promises and in the path You have laid for me. Guide me to walk in faith and bless the path that I walk on. In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen.