Dear friend, I am excited to share God's word with you today. His promise is sweet like honey, and we are going to take it to heart as per Deuteronomy 28:1. It says, "The Lord your God will set you high above all the nations of the earth." What a great promise! "High above all the nations" means the highest position.

To whom does God give this promise? If you fully obey the Lord your God and carefully follow all the commands that He gives. This is what is seen in the first part of that verse. A heart which is aligned with the Lord, always asking, "Am I doing the right thing, Lord? Am I pleasing You, Lord? Am I selecting and doing this according to Your will? Do You want me to go to this place? Do You want me to take care of my family members in this way?" Always asking the Lord, "What should I do?" He loves such a person.  

We obey our parents because we can see them and fear displeasing them. However, those who follow God, who is unseen, are even more loved by Him. Therefore, when making office decisions, I feel apprehensive and seek God's guidance. I ask myself if our meetings are in line with His will if we should accept invitations from certain individuals, and if our decisions regarding staff members are pleasing to Him. I believe that seeking God's approval is the most important factor, as His blessing comes with His approval. Therefore, we must always seek God's direction before taking any action.

A person whose heart is aligned with the Lord will be set high above all the nations of the earth. This means receiving great honour above all the people of the earth and not just obtaining a prestigious position like president or prime minister. Everyone will come in search of what is in you. Let's receive this wonderful promise today. May God lift you high.

Loving Lord, thank You for speaking to me through Your Word. I claim this blessing upon my life. Thank You for promising to adorn me with great honour above all the people of the earth. Even now, Lord, I pray that You will mould me into a vessel worthy to receive this blessing in my life. Lord, please grant me a heart that is aligned with You, follows Your commands, only does what is right in Your eyes, and prospers by Your mighty hand. Bless me and increase me, Lord. I am always Your child, ready to obey and follow You alone. Thank You for Your hand of blessing on my life to lift me high. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.