My dear friend, I'm excited to greet you. Today is a special day because my father, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran, is celebrating his birthday. I want to wish him a very Happy Birthday and also extend my wishes to anyone else celebrating their birthday today. I hope you all have a joyful and blessed birthday! 

The promise verse for today is from Deuteronomy 14:2, "For you are a people holy to the Lord your God, and the Lord has chosen you to be a people for His treasured possession." You are precious in the eyes of the Lord. You are chosen, and you are His treasured possession. So, who does God call His treasured possession? As we see in Exodus 19:5, those who obey the commandments of the Lord and keep His covenant are His "treasured possession."

Today, as you obey the Lord and do everything according to His will, God keeps you as His treasured possession. He has chosen you not because of your background, wealth, or fame but because He loves you and is faithful to all those who keep His commands (Deuteronomy 7:9). We see this in the life of Mary, the mother of Jesus. Though she was a nobody, she was loved by the Lord. When the angel appeared to her, he greeted her as "highly favoured" and informed her that she had found favour with God (Luke 1:28, 30). God chose Mary, an unknown person, to bring the Saviour of the world into the earth because He loved her and favoured her.

Today, my friend, God's favour is with you. He has chosen you because you have kept His commands. He will help you to do great and mighty things. You will see it in your life, in your work, in your family life, in your personal life, and in your spiritual life. You will see great favour in all of these things. Because you have kept God's commands, you are His treasured possession. So, be of good cheer! God will do mighty things through you.

Dear Lord, thank You for encouraging me through Your word. You have chosen me for Yourself because You love me. As I dedicate myself to obeying You in all things and keeping Your commandments, I am grateful that You have highly favoured me and called me Your treasured possession. Today, bless me with all the treasures so that I will experience a great increase in all aspects of my life. Bless all my endeavours, my family, my spiritual life, and keep me always as Your treasured possession. Thank You for Your favour upon my life. In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen.