Dear friend, as it says in John 14:18, today, the Lord speaks to you, “I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you.” Yes, the Lord, the Holy Spirit, is the Triune God. The Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit are one and the same.

When the disciples had spent three years with Jesus, ministering alongside Him, He empowered them to preach the gospel. He gave them the authority to heal the sick and the power to cast out demons. Jesus taught them many things about the kingdom of God, and their bond with Him became deeply intertwined. The thought of being separated from Jesus was difficult for them to bear, especially when He began explaining His death and resurrection. They felt sorrowful, knowing they would miss His presence. But Jesus, knowing their hearts, promised them, “I will not leave you as orphans. I will come back to you.”

A little later, Jesus explained that His departure was actually for their good. In John 16:7, He said, “It is beneficial for you that I go away, for if I do not go away, the Redeemer will not come to you. But if I depart, I will send Him to you.” Yes, Jesus said that His departure was a good thing because only then could He return to live among them in a new and powerful way.

As the Bible says in Acts 17:28, “Only in Him we live and move and have our being.” When we experience the fullness of God filling our hearts, we no longer feel like orphans. The love of God overflows within us, and the joy of the Lord fills us completely. This is why, in Acts 2:28, it says, “Lord, You have made known to me the paths of life. You will fill me with joy in Your presence.” So, dear friend, never feel or declare that you are an orphan again.

I remember when I lost my parents, I often told people that I was an orphan. But one day, my husband counselled me and said, “Evangeline, you are not an orphan anymore. We are not orphans in this world. Jesus is in you, Evangeline. The gifts of the Holy Spirit are in you, and the Lord is using you mightily in the ministry. Don’t you feel the presence of God in you, bringing joy into your life?” After hearing those words, I stopped saying that I was an orphan.

To you reading this today, you might also feel like you’re an orphan. When you say such things, loneliness begins to weigh on you. But, dear friend, never think of yourself as an orphan. Cry out to God today, and He will come and live in you. He will dwell within you, filling you with His presence and His joy. One passage in the Bible where the Lord says, “I sit within you and rejoice over you.” Never feel alone, dear friend. The Lord will come to you today. Perhaps you feel like you’ve lost the anointing, but take heart—today, the Lord will restore it. Every gift, every anointing you thought you had lost in your service to the Lord, will be given back to you. The Lord is coming back to you, dear friend.

Dear Heavenly Father, as I come before You today, I ask that Your Word be fulfilled in my life. Please do not leave me as an orphan, but fill me with Your power and presence. Just as You empowered the disciples, pour out Your anointing upon me like a consuming fire. Let Your joy fill my heart, and Your presence dwell within me. Lord, as You promised, come back to me and fill me again and again. Overflow my cup with Your blessings so I no longer feel empty or broken. Holy Spirit, come upon me and transform me into a new person full of Your confidence, joy, and love. Thank You, Lord, for walking with me and making me successful in all I do. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.