My precious friend, today's promise is from Deuteronomy 28:9, which says, "The Lord will establish you as a people holy to Himself, as He has sworn to you, if you keep the commandments of the Lord your God and walk in His ways."This means that the Lord wants to establish you as His people by making you holy unto Himself just as He is holy. This happens when we follow and obey the commandments of God. 

I want to share a wonderful testimony with you. A couple named Deepika and Manoj Prabhakar live in Chennai. Manoj became very sick and could not go to work, leading to mounting medical bills. They were also struggling to meet their children's educational needs and were borrowing money, which resulted in increasing debts. Every day was a struggle. 

At this time, Deepika attended one of our Prayer Prophetic Training sessions at the Prayer Tower, where she received training and started praying and communing with Jesus daily. In April, she also attended one of our Miracle Fasting Prayer meetings in Vanagaram, Chennai, which we regularly conduct every second Saturday of every month at 10 AM. She was desperately praying for a government job.  At the end of the meeting, I laid hands and prayed for everyone, and when her turn came, I prophetically said, "God will bless you and lift you up." In just one week's time, she got a job at the Corporation of Chennai. Before this, she was earning Rs.6000/- a month. But with the new job, she received Rs.14,000/- a month, more than double her previous salary. 

My friend, you are a holy people unto the Lord. The Lord will establish you and your family life. Therefore, please be encouraged!

Heavenly Father, thank You for Your unconditional love and for choosing me as Your own. Even now, I express my desire to walk with You closer and to seek You more. Please grant me the grace to seek You with all my heart and might and to talk to You daily. Let every day bring me closer to You. For all the suffering and lack I have been through, I believe You will do justice for me and restore Your blessings in double for me. Let Your Holy Spirit always lead me and strengthen me to rise up in life. Let all my financial needs be met according to Your riches in glory, and let there be health and healing in my home. Thank You, Lord, for doing this miracle. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.