My precious friend, God is the God of our salvation. The greatest blessing we can receive is to be saved from our sins and to be connected with God. Today's promised verse in Micah 7:7 says, "I will look to the Lord; I will wait for the God of my salvation; my God will hear me."  

This is a testimony about a young man named Charles. From the age of 16, he was connected to those living in sin. He became a drunkard, a smoker, and a drug addict, and he was always under the influence of these substances. At times, he would be found lying next to waste bins without him even realising it. He tried his best to change his ways, but he could not. As a result, his relatives and friends distanced themselves from him, leaving him with no support. He had nothing to eat, and he fell ill, and some of his organs stopped functioning properly due to his addictions. 

It was then that his cousin brother brought him to a Jesus Calls Prayer Meeting in KGF. In the meeting, I prophetically called out his name in the midst of the thousands of people gathered, and I said, "There is a person called Charles in this crowd. God's power is coming upon you. It is filling your body and recreating your organs. The darkness which is oppressing you is leaving you, and the power of Jesus is transforming you to become His servant." At that moment, the power of God came upon him. All his addictions just left him, and he experienced instant healing and deliverance. God gave him a new life! Today, Charles is a new man in Christ Jesus and is now a married pastor. What a wonderful transformation! 

My friend, do you want to break free from your bad habits and evil pleasures today? Do you want to be freed from the oppression of sin and the feelings of depression and anxiety caused by the curses of sin? Look to the Lord Jesus. Jesus means “Saviour”. He is the One who saves you from all your sins. He says, “Come to Me. I will give you rest. I will cleanse you with My blood shed for you on the cross. I will make you a new person. I will wash away your sins and sinful desires and welcome you as My child.” So, look to the Lord Jesus, and He will give you salvation.  

Loving Father, I come before Your throne in the mighty name of Jesus. Thank You for sending Your Son as the ultimate sacrifice for my sins. Even now, I look to my Saviour, Jesus and the cross where He hung, bleeding for my sins. I pray that You will wash away my sins with Your holy blood, cleanse me, and make me new. Let me become a vessel that carries Your presence everywhere I go so that people will see You in me and Your name will be glorified. Let every oppression of sinful patterns and behaviours over my life be broken in Your mighty name, and let me experience Your perfect deliverance because Your word says, "Whom the Son sets free is free indeed." Thank You, Lord, for saving my soul and delivering me from my addictions. I am Your child. Use me for Your glory. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.