My precious friend, God wants to light a lamp in your life. Psalm 18:28 says, "For it is you who light my lamp; the Lord my God lightens my darkness." This world is full of darkness—the darkness of sin, poverty, sickness, the oppression of wicked people, and the darkness caused by the devil, among many others. But Jesus Christ says, "I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life."

Follow Jesus, the light of the world. He will light a lamp in your life, brightening and shining through the darkness of the world. Your life will shine, and you will have God's light within you. Do not be afraid—you are a child of Jesus. Every darkness will leave you today, in Jesus' name.

Here is a testimony from Mrs. Elayarani from Madurai. She was married in 2013, and she and her husband had a daughter. But two years after their marriage, her husband passed away, bringing terrible sorrow to her life. She moved in with her mother, who took her to the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower. Every Saturday, they attended a fasting prayer at the Prayer Tower, crying out to God for a better future. The young widow, who was a graduate, struggled to find a livelihood and was trying to secure a government job. However, she didn’t even have enough money to apply for one. Every day, she was in tears. Yet, she continued going to the Prayer Tower, praying earnestly in Jesus' name. As she approached the final attempt to secure a government job, her prayers were answered. Despite being 32 years old, she succeeded in the exam and was offered a job at a government bank. Today, she earns a Rs. 40,000 salary. What a joy! Yes, God brought light to her darkness, and He will do the same for you.

Heavenly Father, I come before You with a heart full of hope and trust in Your divine light. Thank You for being the lamp that guides me through the darkness of sin, poverty, and despair. Lord, illuminate every corner of my life with Your radiant presence, dispelling every shadow and filling me with the light of Your love and grace. Strengthen me to follow Jesus, the light of the world, and let His brilliance shine through my life. I place my burdens before You, asking for Your intervention and transformation in my darkest moments. May Your light guide me to new beginnings and restore my joy, as I trust in Your power to overcome every darkness. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.