Dearly beloved, according to Acts 10:35, may the Lord bless you and accept you as "His sweet aroma." Here, the Bible says, "In every nation, the person who fears God and does what is right by seeking Him is acceptable and welcomed by Him."

The fear of the Lord is a "sweet aroma" before God. It is a pleasing offering to Him. In Acts 10:2, Cornelius is described as someone who fears God and does righteous deeds. He is a devout man who always prays to God and gives to the poor. Cornelius was not a Jew to believe in Jesus but was a Roman centurion. So, for him to believe in God is not a common thing. However, God accepted Cornelius because he feared Him and worked righteousness. God is not a respecter of persons. He does not show favouritism. No matter who you are, you can believe in God and fear Him. Regardless of your background, you can choose to believe in Jesus. 

In Romans 4:3, the Bible says, "Abraham believed God, and it was credited to him as righteousness." When we believe in God, the Lord says to us that we are righteous. Our own righteousness is described as filthy rags in Isaiah 64:6. However, through Jesus' sacrifice, which is a sweet aroma to God, our filthy rags are exchanged for righteousness. Because of Jesus' righteousness, we are accepted by God. In II Corinthians 2:14-15, the Bible says, "In Christ, God always leads us in triumphal procession, and through us, spreads the fragrance of the knowledge of Him everywhere." In the following verse, the Lord calls us "His sweet incense." What a sweet thing it is to be accepted by the Almighty God; this happens only when we believe in God.

During our Prayer Festivals in Jesus Calls, thousands of people come with simple faith and belief, seeking a miracle. Despite the large crowd, they hold onto their faith, believing in God as if He is there only for them. This unwavering faith and belief are seen as righteousness, and as a result, God accepts them and performs miracles. People rise from wheelchairs, their chains are broken, and they are filled with the Holy Spirit. In the ground, we would literally smell the sweet fragrance of God. You, too, my friend, are accepted by God. Your belief in Him guarantees that a miracle will happen to you as well.

Loving Lord, I thank You for Your faithful promise. I come before You now, choosing to trust You completely because Your word says it is impossible to please You without faith. Let the fear of God grow stronger in me day by day so that my life will become acceptable to You like a "sweet aroma." Help me, Lord, to live a dedicated and righteous life, and grant me the grace to always pray. Thank You, Lord, for becoming my righteousness through Your ultimate sacrifice on the cross, and for making me righteous before the Almighty God. I believe that You will restore my faith, peace, and joy, and perform miracles in my life, establishing me as a sweet incense carrying Your fragrance wherever I go. In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen.